Blows followed also in other places of the planet Earth. The main goal was to destroy all large industrial centers, the cities, to deprive mankind of knowledge, advantages, to reject in a primitive state, to turn people into the shivering herd. The human equipment was powerless, the most modern anti-aircraft weapons could not even react to charges, lethal to all live. Fight turned into ruthless, total beating, annihilation and termokvarkovy gifts were "generously" distributed to all continents.
By means of electronics of a stelzana chose the most inhabited regions of a terrestrial surface, realizing the tested tactics of nested bombing for a long time. Mercy is in the war pertinent no more, than a white dressing gown in mine! The biggest favor to the enemy, ruthlessness to when training in war art!
Meanwhile thousands of easy tactical and planetary fighters were already sprayed on a surface, finishing the escaped troops, and, whenever possible, tried to keep civilians for the subsequent operation.
As soon as Alexander Medvedev gave the order on the beginning of war, his vice-president Gennady Polikanov left the Kremlin. According to the instruction of MO in case of the beginning of nuclear war the president and his deputy should not be in one building and are closer than hundred kilometers from each other. The marshal was in time, through the underground superfast vacuum tunnel to leave Moscow and to escape after drawing annihilation and termokvarkovy blow. Now he should head resistance of space aggression, having become the President and the Supreme Commander. Honourable, but dreadfully heavy burden. To soul depth Polikanov always wanted to replace too soft and slow president, but at present felt like the titan Atlant whom charged with all weight of the heavenly arch. Even in the military circle of the marshal carried to hawks for his ruthlessness and uncompromising stand, but in this situation all his will and determination were useless. Absolutely impregnable starprobe vehicles of the alien empire ruthlessly exterminated troops of the strongest and valorous army on the earth, without giving the slightest chance of worthy resistance. Their rockets, small, even tiny by the sizes, imperceptible on speed and grandiose on destructive power, incinerated everything that the mankind created within many centuries. Therefore the message on emergence of thousands of insignificant, but very fast planes pleased the "new" president.
- I order. To counterattack the opponent, to knock out a steel camarilla from air space of Russia! - Trying to hide a hoarseness in the strained voice, he ordered.
- Is, companion president!
The marshal of aircraft Vadim Valuyev got into one of the experimental shock devices "Ram" with six nuclear warheads onboard. The car animal forcing to tremble continents. At last they will be able to put to the opponent though some loss. The order followed:
- Without reckoning with the victims, to force down all fighters of newcomers!
Low, but strong Valuyev with boyish passion looked at the enemy. Of course, the opponent uzhasayushch on force, even throws the supersteady fighter "Ram-3" as a plumelet, from rushes of deadly whirlwinds of the atmosphere excited by hyper nuclear attacks. But the world has to respect us to be afraid, to feats of soldiers not to consider number! Russians were always able to fight - the Satan will be destroyed!
- We sshibt enemy arrogance! - Shouts, having remembered youth the marshal.
- There is no mercy to executioners, - the pilot sitting on the right answered. - We sweep out star evil spirits!
Pilots were sincere in the hatred. Still, the landscape which was under them was so terrible that pressed heart. Any horror film, any blockbuster could not transfer in War of the Worlds style also the 100-th share of pain, tears and sufferings occurring on a prostrate terrestrial surface. It was not so terrible anywhere, even in Mechna when over the head bullets whistled, and boots squelched from sticky crimson liquid. The it is more in later battles in Arfike and the Fersitsky gulf where he also deserved general, and then and marshall epaulets.
Of course, silly to shoot megaton charges at so small purposes, but you will not punch an elephant in pigeon fraction.
Worldly-wise Valuyev was struck monstrosity with the speed of enemy aircraft. Only having appeared on the horizon, they later came up a mini-second closely, nearly ramming in a forehead. Fingers slightly managed to press the buttons. The marshal let out all six nuclear charges, being afraid that he will have no chances of a repeated shot any more. Without waiting for team, also other pilots similarly arrived, having let out thousands of usual and nuclear gifts of death. However graviolazerny beams which poured out enemy tactical fighters easily forced down the few escaped rockets.
Attempt to strike the opponent by means of own luchemet was also doomed to a failure. Intensity of laser fire was insufficient to punch the small force fields closing fighters, and aviation guns and rockets with computer targeting did not pull even on children's toys crackers. Only the direct hit of the strategic thermonuclear rocket could destroy the similar car, but light beams induced by the computer did not admit objects which were larger than a nut bolt to fighters.
- Dogs, vicious dogs! I still will deal with you! - in despair Valuyev shouted.
From shout stuffed up own ears. But, probably, the enemy pilot heard this cry. About negligence of the baby shaking a rattle he brought down several Russian cars, and stelzana, obviously, scoffed, sadistically prolonging pleasure. Their lasers as if derisively, carried out medieval "quartering" - at first cut a nose, then a tail and wings. Those who managed to catapult were caught power "net", probably, for further experiments. And some pilots were thrown and thrown as if it were tennis balls. Stelzana as angry children, like to play the fool, enjoying torments. Gengir Volk issued the hologram with the cute ugly face and with a poisonous smile said:
- What razlayalsya? You hope for fast death?!
Vadim shook the hair which stuck from sweat and with such rage pressed on the control panel jet fire that plastic burst, and the titanic keyboard caved in. The marshal exhaled:
- Jackal!