Marc Timms
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Copyright Notice
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2020 by Mark Timms – All rights reserved
All rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark.
Table of Contents
Books By Marc Timms
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
About The Author
Books By Marc Timms
Books by Marc Timms
SHOCK – The Truth
SHOCK – The Chase
SHOCK – The Chaos
SHOCK – The Capture
FORGOTTEN – The Return
FORGOTTEN – The Revelations
FORGOTTEN – The Reveal
FORGOTTEN – The Unveil
Book 1
Chapter 1
Johanna Cole spat the leaf out of her mouth and looked around. She couldn't remember where she was or how she'd gotten here. Johanna sat up, slowly and carefully, while she looked around. The setting was familiar, but her brain was not focused on where she was. Her mind was filled with several images, each more disturbing than the last.
She took a deep breath and tried to focus her mind, but the images came fast and furious—and seemingly in no order. What had happened to her?
She recalled running last night, feeling like her lungs would explode, finally stopping when she could run no more. However, she could not recall why she was fleeing or what she had seen. The thought made her pause. She had witnessed something—that much seemed to be clear—but she wasn't sure what it had been.
She remained seated in place and shifted slightly to rest against a tree. She looked at her watch. It was 7:30 in the morning by her Fitbit; she tried to recall her movements. She tapped the step tracker and went back through the hours. She'd been moving and active, according to the device, at 1:00 a.m. this morning but had stopped before 2:00. So whatever she'd seen had been in the early hours of today.
The biggest question was, why had she been in the woods at that time of night? She could take care of herself, but even so, being in the dark woods at that time was not a smart move.
Johanna stood up and looked around again. The first thing she needed to do was leave the woods. She recognized that this was Winston Woods, but the reason for her presence here was still unclear. Why had she come here?
Without a good idea of where she was, Johanna started to look for a path or a marker that would take her back to the road or a parking lot. Her car must be here; she certainly hadn't walked here.
Off in the distance, she saw a sign and headed towards it. Of course, a few hills and muddy puddles stood between her and the sign . She trekked there slowly, watching for other people. Johanna felt anxious as she approached the directions on the sign. The instructions would take her to Center City and people, which made her uncomfortable.
She followed the directive to the nearest parking lot. As she came out of the trees and into a clearing, she could see her car and headed to it.
However, as she got closer, Johanna started to slow her pace and began to feel sick.
The car next to hers was a Kia Soul with the backseats folded down.
The memories of last night came flooding back, in order, and in vivid detail.
No wonder she'd run. She'd seen a murder last night.
Chapter 2
She threw up twice before she could pull out her phone and dial 911. She explained what had happened in as few words as possible, and the operator indicated that a patrol car would be out in a few minutes.
She got into her car, locked the doors, and turned on the ignition. Everything worked fine. No one had messed with her car to prevent her from leaving, as if she would have actually returned to the scene of the crime.
The police arrived in about five minutes. In that time, Johanna had brushed the leaves out of her hair and applied a little makeup. She didn't want to appear on the news looking like she'd slept in the forest.
Johanna wasn't sure what she'd expected, but it wasn't the two lone police officers coming to the scene. She had expected at least a detective and the forensic teams. Instead, two young officers in uniform had arrived. Neither looked older than thirty, and she wondered if they'd dealt with a big case before. The police had likely sent these two because they deemed the call as unreliable. The others would have to come