desk. I gasped forair, my heart racing in my chest as I tried to calm myself and keepthe tears from spilling. “Now, if you can behave for one second, wemight actually be able to get something importantaccomplished.”He then lifted a black leather briefcase from the floor and placed it on thedesk in front of me. Unhooking the latches, he lifted the lid andconfusion came over me.
There, laid perfectly on beautiful red satincushioning were five silver plated rings. They resembled braceletsas they were about a centimeter wide and had tiny diamonds aligningthe center of the rings all the way around. Two sets of the ringswere the same size, two being very small and oval-shaped, and the other two just a littlelarger. The last one was much larger and also circular. If I hadn’tknown any better, I would have thought they were nothing more thanfancy jewelry. I looked up at him in confusion, but he looked soexcited that I doubted he would have answered the tornado ofquestions spinning in my head.
“The fuck?” I whispered under my breath,returning my gaze to the briefcase.
Still standing behind me and placing hishands on my bare shoulders, his mouth dipped low to my ear. “Theseare your new chains, my dear. They will symbolize my ownership ofyou and prevent you from ever running from me.”
“I wouldn’t count on it,” I spat.
His fist slammed down onto the desk justinches from my head, and I couldn’t stop the flinch as fear joltedthrough my body.
“You wanna bet?” he seethed, that smoothnessin his voice almost snake-like asit coiled through my ears.
I hunched my shoulders as a defensivereaction, and I tried to keep my brave face on, but it was becomingincreasingly difficult. My head swam with a heavy current of emotions—rage, pain, confusion,fear, and utter hopelessness. I felt compelled to back away fromthe rings, but with the wall of a man behind me, I wasn't goinganywhere.
Fortunately, he walked away, heading over toone of the drawers of the desk, and pulled out some kind ofcloth-like material. I righted myself immediately as he unfoldedthe material and held it out for me to see. It was a short fireengine red silk nightie with more red lace on the fringe.
“Now,” he said, feeling the material in hishands, “if you can behave and put the cuffs on without a fuss, I’lllet you wear this on our way home. I’m sure you want to be rid ofthat rag of a dress. But if you want to resist and risk pissing meoff, we’ll continue without clothes and you’ll still end up withthe cuffs on anyway.”
Clothes and chains? Or no clothes and stillchains? What epic choices.
My eyes quickly glanced around the room as Iestimated my chances of either getting to the door or getting tosomething relatively pointy. Not even so much as a pen was on thedamn desk and the door was about fifty feet away as I stared at it,compelling it to open and free me from my new fresh Hell.
“Whatever stupid ideas you have running through your little head, I wouldseriously reconsider them,” he warned, but my eyes were still onthe door.
I was almost one hundred percent sure hewould catch me before I reached the door, and that was assuming itwas even unlocked in the first place. I’d be fucked even more thanI already was. I stared down at the “chains” that would representmy life, and of all the emotions I was swimming in, rationalitywon. And it killed me inside.
“Fine,” I said rather harshly.
“Smart girl,” he replied. “Hold out yourwrists.”
Smart girl,yet I didn’t move. I couldn’t. My fingers gripped the wood of thedesk like a hawk clutching a branch; letting go would mean losingmy control, my everything. Atleast, if the hawk let go,it wouldn’t fall to its death like I would. It could fly. My wingswere still working on the process of evolution, assuming I survivedthe processing period in the first place.
“Now, Jaden,” he growled, and I nearlyjumped again. “I will not ask again.”
Begrudgingly, I held out my wrists as ifthey were about to be placed in handcuffs. There didn’t seem to bemuch difference. I turned my head away, hiding the tear thatslipped down my now hidden cheek as the owner picked up each littlecuff and gently linked them around my wrists. They clasped aroundmy flesh perfectly as if they had been made for me, so naturally,there would be no possibility of slipping them off.
“Sit on the desk and put your feet up,” heordered.
Hating every single bit of myself, I didwhat he asked as he bent down and placed the larger of the cuffsaround my ankles, looking very satisfied with himself as he did.Then he grabbed the final ring, the largest of them all, and heldit up for me to see. Dread and humiliation filled me as I suddenlyrealized what it was and where it was going next.
“Lift your hair,” he ordered, staring medown, ready for my resistance.
Cuffs were one thing but a goddamn collar? That was too much, and I didn’tthink I had it in me to willingly let him do that. What was I now,some fucking animal to him? Fuck that noise.
“No fucking wa-” I started to say before he pulled me forward by myhair, turned me around, and slammed my head and upper body down ontop the desk. His hand kept me in place.
“I thought we had agreed no fuss,” he said menacingly in my ear.
“You said cuffs, not collar,” I retorted through clenched teeth.
“It doesn’t matter what you interpreted.You’re mine now, little girl,” he growled in my ear. “There will beno arguing with me anymore,” he said, leaning over me now. “Intime, I will teach you my rules and you will obey them to the T oryou will face the consequences. And you already know how much Ilove to deliver on that. Now, lift your fucking hair or I will fuckyou right here until you bleed all over my cock.”
I clenched my fists until my nails bit intomy palms. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believeit had come down to this. I knew