V: The V in Vulnerable
called out to his lover with his mind.::Matty? You need to use the bathroom before I start?::The telepathy they shared was a gift, one Vicwouldn’t give up for any reason. It allowed the two men a deeperintimacy than they would have had otherwise, and their relationshipflourished because of it. There were no secrets between them. IfMatt were upset, Vic only had to glance through his lover’sthoughts to learn the reason why, and they each knew exactly howthe other felt whenever their minds brushed together. It stillstaggered Vic at times to see just how sexy Matt thought him to be,and Matt never wondered about Vic’s own feelings because they werea constant between them. Just a taste of the love they shared wasenough to fuel their desire for one another, even years after theyfirst met. Time had mellowed the passion, perhaps, but theirtelepathy kept the lust burning.
That wasn’t to say they didn’t have theirmoments. Most of the time Vic thought they had an edge on othercouples, but men were the same the world over, and when Matt’sattention was focused on the television, no amount of telepathicability could distract him. Maybe if Vic shucked off the boxers andstood in the hall naked, Matt might notice. But his mental questiononly received a shift in Matt’s consciousness so subtle, Vic mighthave missed it if he wasn’t waiting for it. A glance away from theTV screen, a faint awakening as if coming out of a trance, thenMatt reached for the remote and thumbed down the volume as if thatwould allow him to hear Vic better, even though they weren’t in thesame room. ::What?::
Cupping his hands under the spigot, Vicsplashed hot water on his face and gasped as it trickled down hisneck and chest. ::Do you need to pee?:: he asked, bluntlythis time. ::I’m going to shave.::
Like a man just waking from an unexpectednap, Matt blinked and shook his head. ::Oh. No, go ahead. I’lljust come in if I have to go.::
Vic groaned, a low warning sound in the backof his throat, but didn’t respond. If there was one thing he’dlearned from loving Matt, it was that some arguments weren’t worthpursuing. He could allow himself to get mad at every little thing,but Vic wasn’t that type of guy. Most things rolled off him withouta second thought, and he’d rather have Matty in his arms everynight than go to sleep angry over something as stupid as flushingthe toilet while he was in the shower. Scalding water wasn’t goingto kill him, but losing the special bond he shared with his loverjust might.
* * * *
Matt wasn’t necessarily a fan of racing. Buthe had turned on the television in the hopes of watching TheSimpsons and got Nascar instead. There was nothing else on sohe didn’t bother changing the channel. Now after an hour of nursinghis second beer, he didn’t really see the need. The alcohol madehim drowsy and the remote sat on the coffee table, too far away toreach without getting up. He was already settled, a bowl of grapeson his lap, the dog resting on the couch…admit it, he toldhimself, scooping another handful of grapes into his mouth.You’re too damn lazy.
Aloud, he answered himself. “Damn straight.”He needed this downtime. Monday morning came all too soon.
When his fingers scraped the bottom of thebowl, he held up the last grape and waggled it in front of Sadie.“You don’t like grapes, do you, girl?”
The look on the dog’s face suggestedotherwise, but Matt popped the grape into his own mouth and leanedback in the recliner as he stretched. What he needed now was a longswig of beer to chase down the fruit. But when he reached for hiscan, he found it empty. No matter how far back he tilted his head,he couldn’t get more than a warm drop for his troubles. “Fuck.” Hesqueezed his fist, crumpling the can, then set it in the emptybowl. He needed another drink. With a slight pout, he called,“Vic?”
No response.
Reaching out with his mind, Matt brushed overhis lover’s consciousness. So Vic was still in the apartment, atleast. ::Hey, sexy. Where’d you go?::
Annoyance flickered over Vic’s thoughts andwas gone before Matt could think to comment on it. ::I told you.Bathroom. I’m shaving.::
Matt’s scalp tingled as if Vic’s hands hadsmoothed over it, rubbing cool shaving cream into his skin. Thesensation was maddening. Suddenly Nascar was nothing but backgroundnoise as Matt’s libido heated beneath his lover’s thoughts.::You’re in there all alone, wet and naked, and you didn’tinvite me?::
::Matty,:: Vic warned.
With a laugh, Matt pushed the recliner into asitting position. From the couch Sadie perked up, gaze glued to theempty bowl in Matt’s hand. Ignoring her, he grabbed the remote andturned off the TV. But when he headed for the kitchen, she startedto slide off the couch. “Stay,” he told her.
She didn’t listen. Before he even reached thedining table, he heard the soft thump of her paws hitting theground.
::Can you work your magic and tell the dogto leave me alone?:: Matt muttered to Vic. He dropped the bowlinto the empty kitchen sink with a clatter, then fished out thecrumpled beer can and tossed it into the recycling bag beside thetrash. ::She thinks I’m going to feed her or something. Shewon’t listen to me.::
From down the hall, he heard Vic grunt.::Funny, I seem to have that same problem with someone else Icould mention.::
“Hey!” Matt cried out loud. At the kitchendoorway, Sadie dropped to her haunches, ears flickering at thesharp sound of his voice. For a moment he frowned at her—what hadVic meant by that? Matt listened to him, mostly. Well, when itcounted, at any rate. So Matt hadn’t really paid attention when Vicsaid he was going to shave. He did it every week at the same time,and he always asked Matt the same thing before he started. Youneed to use the bathroom? I’m going to shave. Of course Mattwould eventually tune him out. If he had to piss, he’d just duckin, use the toilet, and be gone before Vic even knew he wasthere.
Sullen, Matt pouted as he grabbed the largebucket of dog food