Fated for Pitch Black
other scenes.Not for the faint at heart.
If you don’t like violence and cannot handle certain subjects, then this is not a book you’ll want to read.
Fate of the Night
Night is coming
Light is setting
Monsters go bump in the night
Nothing can save me now
Not when there’s evil coming
Dark as night
There’s nowhere to hide
Shadows lurk everywhere
Suffocating me in the night
My heart at risk
And so is my life
Night is coming
So is my fate
Will it be to despair
Or will it bring me peace
Either one will show me the way
Through this fated in the night.
~ E.C. Land
Ma raison d'être – My reason for being
Mamma – Mom
mon beau – My handsome
bréagán – Whore
Age 17
“Babe, you gonna spend the weekend with me on the houseboat?” Peirce asks as he walks me to my car. School just ended and I was demanded to be at home promptly after for a family dinner event.
“I should be there sometime around nine,” I say, giving him a smile, I hope hides the turmoil coursing through me. Father told me this morning to be home and when he tells you to do something you do it or face the consequences.
Over the past two years, I’ve hidden the truth about my family from Peirce. I didn’t want him to know what type of family I was from. He knew where I lived and had even met my parents a couple times. To his face they were always polite, but the moment he was gone I was punished for having, as they called him, a heathen in their home.
This punishment usually left me sore and aching for days after, forcing me to only speak with Peirce over the phone via text message. If he heard my voice, he’d know automatically something was wrong and I didn’t want to put that on him not when I’m nearly free of it all.
On more than one occasion, I was ordered to end things with Peirce, I could not do as my parents ordered not when my heart belonged to him.
With school ending in a week, and my birthday being right after that, I intended to move onto the houseboat with Peirce. His parents gave him the title to it for his eighteenth birthday at the beginning of the school year. During the week he stayed at home with them and on weekends he was on the houseboat, normally with me sleeping next to him. It was always nice too and I couldn’t wait to do this every night.
My parents were expecting me to go to some fancy school in the fall but without telling them, I’d applied for a scholarship to the college here and was able to get a full academic one. I couldn’t wait.
“Okay, just two more weeks and you’ll be with me all the time, babe,” Peirce murmurs, pulling me around to surround me in his arms, holding me tight.
“Yeah, not much longer,” I murmur, laying my head against his chest. With him being six foot seven I barely reach his chest. “I’ll text you when I’m on the way.”
“I know you will, Lina,” he says affectionately.
Lifting my head off his chest, I glance up to him. “I love you, heart and soul.”
“Love you too, always ma raison d’être,” he murmurs with a grin pulling at his lips. He knows what him calling me that, means to me. Leaning down, Peirce presses his lips to mine.
Giving him my weight, I allow him an entrance into my mouth as he slides his tongue in to meddle with mine. Sliding my arms up and over his shoulders, I reach up on my tiptoes and kiss him knowing this might be the last one we ever share. After this evening with my father, I’m not sure what will happen but the way he said I needed to come home straight after school causes me to feel an unease.
Pulling away from Peirce, I step away from him. “I’ll see you later on,” he murmurs. opening my car door.
Nodding, I get into my car and head home, nervous about what I’m going to find when I get there.
Fifteen minutes later, I pull through the gates to the house and park in front of the garage rather than inside it, hoping to be leaving later after dinner. Looking up at the monstrous prison I’ve lived in from the day I was born a sigh escapes my lips as I open my car door and get out.
Making my way inside, I’m already ready to turn around and run for the hills; however, I wouldn’t make it to the gate before one of my father’s minions stopped me. In all honesty I’ve been lucky enough to have been able to spend my weekends away from here without them intervening.
Opening the door, I’m met by my father, mother, and two very handsome men I’d never met before. “Ah Angelina, you made it just in time. This here is Bryce and Lance Callaghan.”
“Um, hi,” I murmur, placing my keys on the table beside the door. “Nice to meet you.”
“Come on, we’ll all go in the study and talk,” my father announces with a polite smile holding his hand out gesturing for me to join him.
Inwardly cringing at what my father has to say that involves me and these two other men. As handsome as they both are neither of them compare to Peirce. Upon entering the room, my father wraps an arm around my shoulders turning me to face the men taking a seat in the chairs my mother set next to each other with a lamp separating them.
“Angelina, I have spoken with the school and as you have passed all your classes, they’ve agreed you do not need to go for the remainder of this year. As such, you will be leaving first thing in the morning with Lance and Bryce. At the end of the summer, you will be wed to Bryce Callaghan.
“What?” I whisper, surprised at