A Demon's Sorrow
school? It’s one of my favorite memories honestly. And since then he’s always been my Mr. Broody and I, his Pixie.I asked him one day why he called me Pixie and his response was ‘Look at you compared to me. I could fit you in the palm of my hand.’
In the last two years, we have been inseparable. No secrets between us. Well, that’s not completely true— see, I have one, a major one. One that only my sister Alexis and grandma know about. When I was thirteen, I was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. I’ve been in remission ever since the transplant thanks to my daddy. He and I had been a match, thankfully.
The day he and my mother were killed in a car crash, I vowed to live every day to its fullest. See daddy was the only one who was a match for me. And finding a match can be very hard. If I were to relapse, there’s a chance I wouldn’t be able to find a donor in time.
“You coming to the gig tonight?” Chaz asks as he pulls back from the kiss.
Inwardly shaking my head, I give him my smile. If I were to die this is what I’ll always want to remember, being with him. “Have I ever missed one?” I ask in return.
“Nope,” grinning, he leans back into me, giving me yet another passion-filled kiss. One where our clothes disappear.
Chaz keeps his mouth against mine as he sinks deep inside me. Yet it doesn’t stop my moans from filling the room. I love the way he glides in and out of my body. Always hitting the right spot whether it’s slow and loving like now or fast and hard. Both are magical, because of him.
As our breathing becomes labored, Chaz lifts his head. “I love you, my Pixie,” he whispers.
“I love you too, Chaz. Always,” I murmur back lifting my head up enough to reclaim his mouth. I’ll always love him no matter what.
Running my hands along Chaz’s back, my moans grow louder as he picks up the pace. Reaching between us, he finds my clit, flicking it, he sends me over the edge. With his mouth still latched to mine, I can’t scream out like I want. Chaz does that, though. He doesn’t like his friends to hear my screams. They’re for his ears only.
When I start to come down from my orgasm, Chaz begins to build me back up. Abruptly, he stops the kiss but is back soon as he lifts my legs onto his shoulders. In this position, I can feel him deep as he thrusts inside. Not even a minute later, Chaz has me clenching his dick as he brings me to yet another orgasm— one that seems to never end.
Thrust after thrust, I feel him plowing into me. His movements begin to become sporadic the way they do when he’s about to come. Then all of a sudden, he stops completely and the sensation of him coming inside me sends me into one more orgasm.
God knows this man was made for me as I was made for him.
“Damn that was mind-blowing, Pixie,” Chaz groans as he continues to slide in and out of me slowly.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Broody,” giggling I grind my hips into him, earning yet another breathless kiss. That’s what he does to me, takes my breath away.
“Gotta go get ready now,” he states, his breathing labored when he pulls away from me.
“I know,” sighing I lift up on my elbows to watch him get dressed. He doesn’t bother showering before the gig. He never does when we have sex before hand. That would be due to the fact we go until almost the last minute.
Pounding on the door causes me to give a small scream and frantically cover my body with Chaz’s comforter.
“Yo, Chaz, we gotta get going if we’re gonna make it to the Wharf,” Hunter calls out from the other side of the door.
“Be there in a minute,” Chaz grumbles.
“Well hurry the fuck up. We all know you can’t keep your hands to yourself but damn this is cutting it close, dude,” Liam yells out this time.
“What the hell? Are they all at the door?” I groan, drawing the comforter higher over my body.
“Yep,” they all call out from the other side of the door.
“Get the fuck away from my door, assholes. I’ll be out in a minute,” Chaz growls.
Moving to stand up, I feel something sticky on the inside of my legs and realize we didn’t use a condom. Damnit, we usually always use one but there’s been a few times we didn’t.
“Gotta go, see you later,” Chaz murmurs as he leans in for a kiss.
“Okay, love you always, Mr. Broody,” I say.
“Love you too, Pixie.” Grinning, he stands and heads for the door.
Flopping down on his pillow, I stare up at the ceiling. Contemplating the fact we didn’t use a condom. Every other time, I didn’t have to worry about it. This time though, I do. See, I had my yearly checkup two days ago and found out just this morning my cancer is back. And if I don’t find a donor, I won’t make it.
Chapter Two
“Well Jamie you did it this time,” I muttered to myself as I stare down at the little plastic stick in my hand. The big plus sign glaring at me.
My emotions have been completely haywire. Though I’ve been able to hide them from everyone. I’ve yet to tell Alexis or Grandma about my cancer being back. Now I have even more news to share. I don’t know how they will react. Shoot, I’m not even sure what Chaz will think of me being pregnant and he doesn’t even know about my past.
I know that Chaz wanted children, but I don’t think he wanted a child at eighteen.
Putting the stick down I glance at myself in the mirror. Since finding out I’d relapsed eight weeks ago I’ve for