Mate of the Fae King (Dark Faerie Court Book 2)
Mate of the Fae King
Delia E Castel
Copyright © 2020 by Delia E Castel.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Delia E Castel’s Books
Writing as Cordelia Castel
Chapter 1
I lay on Drayce’s smooth chest, listening to the reverberations of his heart. He had fallen asleep hours ago, but I stared into the dark, marveling at how his ribcage rose and fell with even, steady breaths.
He was alive.
He was alive after I had cast his skin into the fire and set him alight. Each cry, each blood-curdling scream still rattled through my mind until they drowned out the sounds of his breathing.
He might have forgiven me, might have needed an act of hatred to be followed by an act of love to break his curse, but what I did to him was unforgivable.
I slid my arm down his chest and stared through the leather drapes of his bed. The first traces of sunlight streamed in through the gossamer curtains that covered his bedroom’s tall windows. Drayce yawned, and the warm hand on my shoulder slid down to the small of my back.
“Did you sleep?” he murmured.
“I can’t stop thinking about last night.”
Drayce hummed his agreement. “You were incredible.”
“How could you sleep after all that?” I whispered.
“This has been my first night of freedom since Melusina destroyed my father.” He pressed a kiss on my crown. “I can finally rest now that she’s weak and diminished and can’t ever return to the palace.”
I pushed myself up and stared down at Drayce. The room was too dark to see the green in his eyes, but I met his sleepy gaze. His black hair spread across the pillow like freshly-spilled ink, and a smile spread across his beautiful face.
This was the face that used to haunt my nightmares, the handsome rider on that Samhain night, the handsome face the gancanagh wore to reflect my deepest desires. Angular brows set within a tall forehead, high cheekbones and a perfectly straight nose. His lips, soft and shaped like a bow, weakened my heart.
My gaze roved down his strong jaw, over his muscular neck, his broad shoulders, and settled on the contoured chest where I had lain. Because of Drayce, I was now a high faerie, a creature I despised. But because of Drayce, Father was a man in his prime on a ship out of Bresail and to a world without faeries. He could use our funds to start a new life as an iron monger or an apothecary. Because of Drayce, Father no longer lived in pain or fear.
Drayce had been a small child when Queen Melusina imprisoned him. Together, he and Father formed a plan to train me to unlock my faerie power, usurp my mother, and take the throne.
Drayce’s brows drew together. “Neara?”
I forced a smile. “I’m fine.”
He sat up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
I shook my head. It was ridiculous, but I felt safer as his captive than as his mate. Now, I was the Queen of the Faeries and ruled over four cursed Courts. To secure my throne, I needed to break the curses of each Court and receive power from the princes.
“Neara.” The concern in his voice pulled me out of my musings.
My chest tightened, and I curled my lips into a bittersweet smile. “What if I told you I didn’t want to leave this room?”
He squeezed my hand. “Ailill may never have shared your heritage with you, but you were born to rule the fae.”
I dropped my gaze to silk sheets as dark as midnight. Yesterday, I had fought for my survival and for Father’s freedom. Today, I could be fighting for a throne I don’t even want.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Wait here.” Drayce swung his legs out of the bed and stalked across the room.
The muscles in his back rippled with his movements, and shadows swirled around his legs. It reminded me of when we first met and I had bargained my maidenhead. Back then, he was menacing and a creature I wanted to kill. Now, the sight of such a beautiful, powerful male sent a thrill through my insides.
Drayce fashioned his shadows into a robe and opened the door. “Yes?”
A six-inch horn pushed its way through the gap, followed by a pale-skinned male with platinum hair that curled down his shoulders. He wore a frock coat of silver velvet and a high-necked shirt with ruffles that cascaded down to his navel. His presence was bright enough to make Drayce’s shadows transparent.
“Your Majesty?” The male crossed the room, bringing with him a cloud of jasmine-scented air, and peered at me through the leather curtains. “My name is Osmos Alicorn, and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I served your grandmother as her private secretary, and I wish to offer you my services.”
My throat dried, and I secured the sheets around my chest. “How did you know—”
“When you defeated Queen Melusina, it broke the magical bonds of my prison.” He curled elegant fingers around the footboard. “Here I am, reporting for duty.”
I turned my gaze to Drayce, who shrugged with a half-smile I interpreted to mean that Osmos was harmless.
“What does a private secretary do?” I asked.
“I run your diary, handle speeches, official correspondence, and act as the gatekeeper between the queen and her court.” He counted off the duties on his fingers. “I also manage your staff. Now, would you please create a door to the queen’s bedroom, so I may prepare you for your