What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1)
to ice, my vision became red with fury, and my heart accelerated like a train speeding down its tracks. The combined reactions caused my entire body to shake uncontrollably to the point where I would have fallen over if I wasn't already on the ground. I wanted to scream, to claw at the monster's face in front of me for daring to commit such an inhumane and horrific crime.I practically felt my captor smile as he leaned back, and harshly grabbed my face. For the first time ever, I finally had a good look at his face, although what I saw took me completely by surprise, more so than his cruel words that continued to bite at me like eager hyenas going for a kill.
The man regarded me with a knowing smirk. I stared back in silent shock. He had his eyes.
Chapter 1: Countdown to Disaster
6 months earlier
A high-pitched sound disrupted the once quiet room. The vibration travelled through the wooden desk and roused me from my shallow nap. Drowsily, I picked up the source of the noise and checked the reason of the disturbance.
Once I read the alert, I placed my Seeker-certified phone back on the desk. I stretched my stiff arm muscles, and shook the wireless mouse to activate my laptop's screen.
There were several alerts blinking annoyingly as they competed for my attention. I ignored the ones that were advertisements from the Seeker market, and opened my private inbox page.
My tired eyes widened slightly as I read the latest Seeker Intel news. The Seekers' Head Scout was assassinated last night in his home. There were no sign of entry nor of a struggle. It seemed like someone placed a hit on him.
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.
I met the man on some occasions, though I've never had the possibility of exchanging more than a few words with him. He was quiet, and from our brief contact, a bit of an ass. Still, he didn't deserve to be killed like that, especially in the supposed safety of his own home.
I continued to read the message. A replacement hadn't be named yet. Until then, the Scout rank would be placed under the temporary authority of the Head Warrior. It made sense, considering how close the Warriors and Scouts worked together. Obviously, the Seeker Directors were shaken by the assassination.
Not wanting to read more bad news, I closed the browser, and rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes. Absentmindedly, I looked up at my instrument-themed calendar. The date was March 21st.
Numbness momentarily took a hold of me as I realized the importance of the date. I shook my head before more emotions could take a hold of me. I got up from my black chair, and ventured into the short hallway as I made my way to the kitchen.
I made plain toast, and ate it slowly as I reflected on the news. Tension had been rising for several months, and yet the Head Scout's assassination was the shattering of cracked glass.
The coffee machine hummed as it finished brewing. I got up, and took a simple blue mug from a cupboard. I poured the hot liquid, and breathed it in. Immediately, my senses were more alert, even before I began to sip.
I turned on the TV, and leaned against the small granite island. Video footage of hundreds of people showed on the flat screen. The people were shouting while others were crying as they protested in front of Seeker HQ.
The reporter spoke over them. "March 21st, 2020. It's been fifteen years since the start of the Silent War, and the rise of the Seeker organization. As much of the world will never forget, it was this day that the extremist organization, known as the Phantoms, attempted to acclaim supreme rule over the planet. Hundreds of people were killed, and many more are still missing or unaccounted for. Seemingly rising from the ashes, the Seeker organization was formed and they eradicated the Phantom threat. Some people claim that we owe them our freedoms."
I snorted at the naïve statement. The civilians had no idea that the Phantoms were still lurking and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike back. I had to agree, though, with the Seekers' logic in misinforming the media in order to prevent public panic.
"Or is that so?"
My interest was piqued at the reporter's comment.
"Despite what the Seekers have done, many countries are wary of the Seekers and their continuingly growing power. The citizens we've questioned each had completely different opinions regarding the organization."
I watched blankly as one overly enthusiastic woman condoned and praised our actions. I deemed her as ignorant and superficial, before the scene switched to a middle-aged man.
His opinion of the Seekers was not so positive. I hummed in thought as I considered his justified mistrust of the organization.
I turned off the TV as I had enough of negative news for one day. It seemed that the Head Scout's assassination hadn't been announced yet. I knew that it was only a matter of time before that information would get leaked to the media.
Once I finished the rest of my coffee, I rinsed the mug in the sink before I left the kitchen. I went back into my room, and saw my phone flashing red. I picked it up, and read the text message. Agent Moore, there is a possible sighting at Madison Square Garden. You and Agent Michaels are to check it out ASAP.
I sighed inwardly. It was the start of another busy day.
With a purpose, I proceeded to my closet where I took out a pair of dark blue jeans, complimented with a simple black t-shirt. I also grabbed a plain white towel, and went into the small bathroom.
Fifteen minutes later, I was fully dressed. A sleek leather jacket and a pair of