Her Dragon Rebel
Her Dragon Rebel
Black Claw Dragons: Book 6
Roxie Ray
1. Kara
2. Rico
3. Kara
4. Rico
5. Kara
6. Rico
7. Kara
8. Rico
9. Kara
10. Rico
11. Kara
12. Rico
13. Kara
14. Rico
15. Kara
16. Rico
17. Kara
18. Rico
19. Kara
20. Rico
21. Kara
22. Rico
23. Kara
24. Kara
The Dragon’s Fake Fiancée
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Her Dragon Rebel
My phone buzzed with the sound of a calendar notification before my alarm went off. I felt blindly around my nightstand for my phone. My best friend and I had gone out for girls’ time the night before, and I might’ve had a glass of wine too many. Waking up was the last thing I wanted to do.
Cracking an eye, I read the notification. Beneath the haze of a hangover, I was relieved to see I had plenty of time.
My new app had auto-booked me a job for the afternoon. I hadn’t even had to take a phone call, which would have woken me up and forced me to be pleasant at the disgusting hour of ten in the morning. Not that most people considered ten to be that early, but it felt like it.
I loved technology.
I hadn’t had any early jobs today, so I’d taken the rare chance to sleep in. I had drawn the curtains in my bedroom before collapsing on the bed, but it was still way too bright in here. Stumbling to my bathroom, I turned the light on long enough to grab the ibuprofen and choke two down with some tap water, then collapsed back on my bed and snatched my phone up again.
Clicking through the app, I pulled up the details for the job, then moaned. The gym again. Damn it. I hated doing jobs at the gym. The guys there were total dicks and just wanted to ogle me or talk about how they could do the job better. I couldn’t even see them being able to handle their own tools, much less any of mine.
Ew. That thought came out wrong.
Whatever. I still had several hours before I had to be there, so I changed my alarm and went back to sleep.
The next time I woke, I felt much better. A shower and breakfast made all the difference toward making me feel like a human again. Not to mention the massive cup of coffee; that helped tremendously.
With a spring in my step, I drove to Main Street, then cut back a block to the gym. Turning off my truck, I sighed and looked up at the building. It used to be a warehouse, some plant that went under years ago. The current owner had converted it into a gym. Since it was the only gym in town, it was pretty popular.
But I didn’t care how popular it was. There were a few die-hard members who were always there when I went to do whatever odd jobs the owner needed, and they delighted in being total dicks. The owner was never around to stop it, either.
Not that I wanted him to, I could handle my own shit. But still, he seemed like an okay guy and he had enough faith in my abilities to hire me, so he probably wouldn’t have liked the guys harassing me. Maybe. Oh, well, at least the day was pretty. I tried hard to hang on to that positivity, but it was like trying to scoop water with a fork. It just wasn’t happening.
Maybe I should’ve grabbed some coffee for the road, too.
With a big sigh, I grabbed my tool belt and stepped out of the truck. I had a tool bag, too, but wearing the belt made me feel more armored. My work clothes were simple: old jeans, a flannel shirt, and boots. It was good stuff for getting dirty in.
Even in such slouchy clothes, I felt like I was naked and on display walking into the gym. The belt was something of a security blanket and helped me feel even more covered.
I knew the problem the minute I stepped in, although my app had told me. The air was nearly suffocating, even with all the doors open, including the huge bay door in the back, and fans everywhere. We were right in the middle of the hottest part of summer, yet the gym bustled with activity. Men and women—mostly men—ran on treadmills, lifted weights, and a class that I was sure would normally be in a private room was dancing around out back, visible through the double doors.
A scrawny guy sat behind the counter playing on his cell phone. I couldn’t help but wonder if he had the job so he could try to use the equipment for free to bulk up. Poor kid. “I’m here for the air conditioner,” I said over the steady drone of the fans.
The kid pointed to a door without looking up. “Roof,” he called. I nodded and walked quickly to the door before any other guys noticed I was there. A bead of sweat was already rolling down the back of my neck and I hadn’t even gotten started yet. Gross.
“Hey, there.”
Damn it. Some bulky guy had appeared out of freaking nowhere. I sighed and turned to face him, schooling my expression. I didn’t want to be rude if it was just someone checking in. Or maybe someone that needed repairs done at home. If only I was ever that lucky. “Hello,” I said politely. “How can I help?”
He smiled, and a dimple appeared in his overly tanned cheek. “I was just wondering what a pretty lady like you is doing in a job like this?”
My stomach turned over and my nose wrinkled in disgust. I pivoted on my boot heel and walked toward the door to the roof. He didn’t deserve a reply.
“You’d be a lot cuter out of those men’s clothes,” he called. His chuckles followed me up the stairs, even after I was out of earshot. His words rang in my mind. Damn those