Lady of Stone
Lady of StoneSynopsis
Lady Sylph’s only concerns should be inheriting her title,marrying well, producing an heir, and lording it all over the peasantry. It’swhat her father insists upon, and she never knew she needed anything or anyoneelse until her magic comes, an ability her class is not supposed to possess.
Thana never coveted the title of monarch’s pyradisté becauseher knowledge exceeds her ability. She hopes the royals will never depend onher, but then the palace’s pyramids go haywire. On top of that, a beautiful,spoiled noblewoman needs her help to conceal a new power.
Could Sylph’s ability and Thana’s magical mystery be relatedto a new kind of crystal being smuggled into the kingdom or a possiblepyradisté coup? They’ll have to work together and overcome their biases, admittheir feelings, and maybe surrender to their fierce desire before time runsout.
What Reviewers Say About Barbara Ann Wright’s Work
The Pyradisté Adventures
“…a healthy dose of a very creative, yet believable, worldinto which the reader will step to find enjoyment and heart-thumping action.It’s a fiendishly delightful tale.”—LambdaLiterary
“Barbara Ann Wright is a master when it comes to crafting asolid and entertaining fantasy novel. …The world of lesbian literature has asmall handful of high-quality fantasy authors, and Barbara Ann Wright is wellon her way to joining the likes of Jane Fletcher, Cate Culpepper, and AndiMarquette. …Lovers of the fantasy and futuristic genre will likely adore thisnovel, and adventurous romance fans should find plenty to sink their teethinto.”—Rainbow Reader
“ThePyramid Waltz has had me smiling for three days. …I also haven’tactually read…a world that is entirely unfazed by homosexuality or female powerbefore. I think I love it. I’m just delighted this book exists. …If you enjoyedThe Pyramid Waltz, For Want of a Fiend is the perfect next step…you’d beembarking on a joyous, funny, sweet and madcap ride around very dark thingslovingly told, with characters who will stay with you for months after.”—The Lesbrary
“This book will keep you turning the page to find out the answers.…Fans of the fantasy genre will really enjoy this installment of the story. Wecan’t wait for the next book.”—Curve
“There is only one other time in my life I haveuncontrollably shouted out in cheer while reading a book. [A Kingdom Lost] madethe second. …Over the course of these three books all the characters haveblossomed and developed so eloquently. …I simply just thought this whole novelwas brilliant.”—LesbianReview
“Chock full of familiar elements that avid fantasy readerswill adore…[The PyramidWaltz] adds in a compelling and slowly evolving romance. …Setagainst a backdrop of political intrigue with the possibility of monsters andmystery at every turn, the two women slowly learn each other, sharing secretsand longing, until a fragile love blossoms between them…”—USA Today Happily Ever After
Not Your Average Love Spell
“Barbara Ann Wright mixes so much into her story–romance,comedy, drama, action, adventure–that it threatens more than once to collapseunder the clash of themes, but those clashes and contrasts only serve to makeit stronger and more engaging.”—Beautyin Ruins
“…a solid little fantasy tale with a lot of really coolelements. …Wright plays to all the tropes…in a way that keeps the story fresh whilepreserving the surprises. …As for the romance, that was surprisingly sweet andamusing, with four women at the heart of the story who are entirely likable…thespark of attraction and the emotional connections are undeniable.”—Fem Led Fantasy
“…a great story filled with magic, wondrous creatures andadventure but what I really enjoyed about the book was the way that thecharacters grew. …It is a great thing to read in these trying times and I tookhope from it. The story pulls with enough magic to feel like a fully fleshed outfantasy world while keeping our heroes relatable and engaging. …I give it afull hearted thumbs up and you should definitely check it out.”—Paper Phoenix Ink
“I thought this was a fun and entertaining adventureread…the fantasy aspects are very approachable. …The way the whole plot unfolded just felt different and Iloved that. What also really impressed me was the amount of action this bookhad. It was one thing after another after another all keeping me completelyglued to the book…I could not stop reading.”—LezReview Books
The Tattered Lands
“Wright’s postapocalyptic romance is a fast-paced journeythrough devastation. …Plenty of action, surprises, and magic will keep readersturning the pages.”—PublishersWeekly
House of Fate
“…fast, fun…entertaining. …House of Fate delivers onadventure.”—
“…Greek myths, gods and monsters and a trip to theUnderworld. Sign me up…This one springs straight into action…a good start,great Greek myth action and a late blooming romance that flowers in the end…”—Dear Author
“A unique take on the Greek gods and the afterlife make thisa memorable book. The story is fun with just the right amount of camp. Medusais a hot, if unexpected, love interest. …A truly unexpected ending has ushoping for more stories from this world.”—RTBook Reviews
“The gods and monsters of ancient Greek mythology areliving, breathing entities, something Cressida didn’t expect and is amazed aswell as terrified to discover. …Cressida soon realizes being in the underworldis no different than being among the living. The heart still feels and love canbloom, even in the world of Myth. …The characters are well developed and theirwit will elicit more than a few chuckles. A joy to read.”—Lunar Rainbow Reviewz
Paladins of the Storm Lord
“This was a truly enjoyable read. …I would definitely pickup the next book. …The mad dashat the end kept me riveted. I would definitely recommend this book for anyonewho has a love of sci-fi. …An intricate…novel one that can be appreciated atmany levels, adventurous sci fi or one that is politically motivated with avery astute look at present day human behavior. …There are many levels to thisextraordinary and well written book…overall a fascinating and intriguingbook.”—Inked Rainbow Reads
“I loved this. …The world that the Paladins inhabited wasfascinating…didn’t want to put this down until I knew what happened. I’ll belooking for more of Barbara Ann Wright’s books.”—Lesbian Romance Reviews
“Paladinsof the Storm Lord by Barbara Ann Wright was like an orchestra withall of its pieces creating a symphony. I really truly loved