A Frightening Fangs-giving
is very much examining me with a gleam of devilish delight.We round up Juni and Georgie and get back to the cottage where we go round after round with each other.
Jasper and I are good together. And I bet if we teamed up to find Ember Sweet’s killer, we’d be unstoppable.
In fact, I’m going to propose we do just that.
Tomorrow, of course.
I’d hate to ruin the momentum.
Chapter 6
“There are many ways to cook a turkey,” Emmie says as she looks to both Jordy and me right here in the Country Cottage Café.
It’s the morning after the Happy Hour fiasco, and I had both Emmie and her brother in stitches trying to describe how mortifying it was playing the part of the bull last night. Both Emmie and Jordy are used to me humiliating myself in grand fashion, so to picture me on all fours wasn’t all that shocking.
The kittens wriggle in my arms. I’ve got all three of the little cuties in a fur-lined basket, and for the most part they seem thrilled to be out and about. Fish and Sherlock are in the ballroom—correction, crafts room—manning the infantry of women, the flying fabric, and the sewing machines, which are busily whirring. Not to mention Georgie has a never-ending supply of bacon for Sherlock, and my mother is babying Fish. The rest of the guild is in love with them both and are busy drowning them with attention. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Jordy nods. “I’ll be manning the turkey fry, right outside the back of the kitchen.”
Emmie takes one of the kittens from me. “We’re frying them in peanut oil.”
HELP! The tiny tot in her hand squeals and Emmie laughs.
“Not you, little one.” She’s quick to comfort the feisty fuzzball, aptly named Spice.
Jordy takes another bite out of his pumpkin waffles and gives a hard moan. Emmie has brilliantly revamped the menu for fall, and the guests have been enjoying pumpkin spice everything. The savory fare is just as seasonal with its rich stews, chilis, and, of course, chowder.
And seeing that I have zero survival skills in the kitchen, both Jasper and I are thrilled to have a functioning restaurant less than five minutes’ worth of walking distance. Living at the inn is like living at a resort—a resort who’s very existence rides solely on my shoulders. But I try not to think about that.
“I ordered a smoker, too.” He looks to his sister.
“Ooh, that’s right.” Emmie snaps her fingers. “We’re offering smoked turkeys as well. You wouldn’t believe the orders we’re getting this year, Bizzy. And once they taste how juicy our turkeys will be, expect to have the orders double for Christmas. I’ve got a new recipe for the roasted turkeys as well. All you do to lock in the juices is give them an aggressive salt rub under the skin. That stops the meat from drying out once they’re cooking. But before I slip them in the oven, I stuff pats of butter and tons of honey under the skin as well. It adds just enough sweet and savory to every bite and we don’t have to brine them.”
“You’re making me hungry for turkey,” I say, snatching up another apple spice mini donut, and Emmie frowns at the platter for a moment.
“I can’t believe someone used my sweet treats as a means to poison someone. If I find that killer, I might just kill them.”
“Easy, girl.” Jordy bumps his elbow to hers before looking my way. “Did Jasper ever find out what substance they used?”
“Nope. But I’m guessing that’s the next bit of news we receive.”
Jordy glances behind me. “I have a feeling we’re about to receive it right now.”
Jasper appears at our table with his hair slicked back and still dewy from the shower. He’s donned a dark wool jacket with a matching scarf, and both just so happen to set off his pale gray eyes.
“Hey, hot stuff.” I give a little wink. “Take a load off and eat some donuts with us. What are you doing back in Cider Cove so soon? Don’t tell me they fired you,” I tease. “But if they did, we could always start our own detective agency. Rumor has it, we make a great team.”
“We do.” He dots a kiss to my cheek before landing in the seat next to me. “But getting fired might have been a better start to my workday.” He sheds a pained smile. “You didn’t poison the donuts, did you?” he asks as he takes up a handful.
“I leave that fun to my sister,” I say, snatching another one up myself.
Jordy nods to Jasper. “So what did they use? Weed killer?”
“Close.” Jasper tips his head to the side. “Strychnine. A white powder that could blend seamlessly with the powdered sugar these donuts are dusted with.”
Emmie clutches at her neck. “That’s terrible. But strychnine? Couldn’t she taste something like that?”
“She could,” Jasper points out. “But if she was gobbling them down like everyone seemed to be, then it might have been too late. It’s extremely toxic and death could occur in minutes.”
Jordy shakes his head. “So where does one get their hands on this stuff?”
“It’s a rodenticide. Able to be purchased only through pest control professionals. Used mostly in bait for gophers and rats.”
Jordy’s lips part. “I have access to them. I use bait like that all the time. I set them under the lawn in various places.”
I look to Jasper. “That means anyone can dig them up and repurpose them.”
Jasper’s chest expands. “You’re right. This is anybody’s deadly game.” His eyes pierce mine. “Did you find anything out about the mystery man Willow brought up last night?”
I told Jasper everything about my exchange with Willow Taylor.
“No,” I say. “But only because I haven’t begun to look.” I drop a kiss to one of the kittens. “I’ve got too much furry cuteness keeping me occupied.”
“Good.” His brows pinch. “Because you’re going to need a distraction. Forensics reported that Ember Sweet had human tissue cells