Hope Unstoppable: 31 Day Devotional
Hope Unstoppable
Addison Moore
Hollis Thatcher Press, LTD.
1. Day 1
2. Day 2
3. Day 3
4. Day 4
5. Day 5
6. Day 6
7. Day 7
8. Day 8
9. Day 9
10. Day 10
11. Day 11
12. Day 12
13. Day 13
14. Day 14
15. Day 15
16. Day 16
17. Day 17
18. Day 18
19. Day 19
20. Day 20
21. Day 21
22. Day 22
23. Day 23
24. Day 24
25. Day 25
26. Day 26
27. Day 27
28. Day 28
29. Day 29
30. Day 30
31. Day 31
32. Hope
33. Perils of Lingering
34. Building Intimacy
35. Bearing Fruit
36. Grace
37. The end is the beginning
38. Biblical Evidence for HOPE
39. References
About the Author
Edited by Paige Maroney Smith & Marion Making Manuscripts
Cover Design: Gaffey Media
Hollis Thatcher Press, LTD.
Copyright © 2020 by Addison Moore
This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination. The author holds all rights to this work. It is illegal to reproduce this novel without written expressed consent from the author herself.
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Copyright © 2020 by Addison Moore
Table of Contents
Ignore the water beneath your feet and keep your eyes on Jesus.
I am not a pastor, a preacher, or a Bible school teacher. I am simply a sinner who found her way into her Savior’s loving arms. I believe that Christ was born to man in the flesh, died, and rose again and is the Son of God. I believe in the triune Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
For everyone who needs a glimmer of hope, this is for you.
First and foremost, I want to say hello, I want to hug you, I want to look into your beautiful eyes and tell you that Jesus knows all about the things you’re going through, and that He is well able to deliver you through the storms of this life.
Are you in search of hope, my friend? Have you fallen into a pit of despair? If you haven’t already given your life to Christ, there is no place like a hopeless pit to give Him your all. He died to give us so much more than we can ever imagine—an eternity of peace that’s free of pain, and free of chaos and disasters.
Not one of us is perfect. We all sin. The good news is Jesus paid the price for all of our past, present, and future sins on the cross. All we need to do is acknowledge that He is God, our precious Savior, invite Him into our life, our hearts, seek His Word, His will, and do our best to obey Him.
Did you catch those words—do our best? We’re back to that whole no one is perfect thing. He knows that. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, the triune Godhead, knows and acknowledges that. Thus, the brilliant idea to come to earth to save us.
My desire is for you to find hope within these pages. I pray you’ll find the mercy, love, forgiveness, and grace you need to survive through His Word. I pray you find the strength and power to forgive yourself. If you’ve asked for His forgiveness, He’s already given it to you. I pray you realize you are His child and come to know your spectacular place in His kingdom.
You are special, one of a kind, and He has amazing things in store for you. No matter what your past holds, no matter what life has branded you, the only thing you truly are is a child of the Most High God.
You are His, bought at a price, paid for in blood, and the same Holy Spirit that resurrected Christ from the dead is living inside of you, waiting to resurrect your life and turn it into the masterpiece it was always destined to be.
There is no circumstance too difficult, no door that cannot be opened, and no dead end that cannot be turned into the busiest of thoroughfares. God may be taking you down to the studs, pruning you so far back you feel as if there is no part of you left. That’s exactly what He did for me. I felt naked, frightened. It felt downright dangerous during the darkest time of my life. But I held hard to this good news: He is in the restoration business, and He is interested in restoring you to all you were meant to be. And once He restores you from the inside out, He will help you to help others. That’s how it works, and it’s beautiful.
God has a plan. It’s a good one. It’s all yours. Open your heart and your mind to Jesus and receive the indescribably good things He has in store for you. He is willing to restore, rebuild, repair, and resurrect.
You are not your past; you are born anew. God is truly interested in making all things new. He is interested in making you new, in doing a new thing in your life. So shed your old skin. Get ready to move out of that pit you think you’re stuck in. God is coming for you. He is about to break down walls, remove the chains, pull you into His world, shine His magnificent light over your path, and turn your life as you know it into a shadow of its former self.
There are times in all our lives where hope is but a dream on a