what he did. He did it out of respect,” Robert explained. The words filling his heart with admiration.“Is there a chance he’s gay?” Her voice sounded excited and wide awake now as she shifted gears on him.
“Is who gay?” a male voice in the background said. Autumn had been going out with Cameron Connors for about a year now and seemed happy with him. Cam had been his work colleague and friend for years before he and Autumn ever got together. He was a good guy and clearly the relationship had progressed if he was there with her in the middle of the night in Minnesota, not DC.
“The honor guard that was at my dad’s funeral happens to be in Germany with Robert, and he’s read Dad’s books. That was why he stayed overnight with Daddy and Robert that night at the capital.” Autumn succinctly filled Cam in before turning the conversation back to him. “I bet he’s nice looking, Robert.”
He shrugged that one off. Landon was very nice looking—he’d give her that, but he was so much more. Robert valued his friendship and wanted to repay him for his kindness. “He’s been hurt, and he can’t do much of anything else, so he reads. I want to give him a gift he’ll use. I also want to get his rehab care transferred to the States so he’ll need a US device, if that’s even a requirement. Can you make it happen for me before I leave here?”
“Yeah, I’ll figure it out and text you later.” Autumn’s words made him smile. He could always count on his sister to move mountains.
“Thank you. How’s Nonnie?” he asked, wondering about their aging grandmother, Kennedy Adams.
“She’s unstoppable. She’s in her nineties and her memory is better than mine. She told me to send you her love and remind you her birthday is in a few weeks, and she expects a call.” His grandmother was a feisty one. He needed his Nonnie to stay in his life for as long as he could have her. “I miss you, Robert. I’m glad you needed me. Your voice is lighter. You sound happy. I’m glad this trip was good for you.”
“I am lighter. It’s new and fragile, so I’m hanging up before you ruin it.” He laughed at her quick intake of breath, knowing she was preparing to blast him for her error in caring about his wellbeing. “Thank you for looking into the e-reader. I’ll be back home in a few days. I thought I’d come straight to Minnesota. I’m ready to finalize the estate, so get ready.”
He quickly hung up before deciding to put off his second call to Senator David Burch. He should at least wait until morning on the east coast to ask for another monumental favor of the government. Robert wanted Landon moved to the States for his final rehab. It seemed the best option, somewhere where his reputation of being a difficult patient didn’t precede him. Honestly, it shouldn’t be that big of a favor to grant his request, at least not compared to whatever David might have had to promise to get Robert to LRMC in the first place.
These were things he could do for Landon. He appreciated the man so much. With that thought, Robert shrugged and made the call now.
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Uncle David, I’m sorry to wake you, but I need a favor.”
“You used your favors when I had to promise the world to get you to Germany, son.” The gruffness and surly attitude were all a cover. David was a teddy bear down deep, and Robert grinned, knowing right then that he’d get his way.
Chapter 6
Twenty-four hours later
Every single fiber of Robert’s body rejected each keystroke of medical charting. The more he worked, the murkier the waters became regarding his decision to return to medicine when he went home. And going home was happening. He had about twenty-four hours until his flight departed. That knowledge was the only thing making this charting doable and probably the most likely reason he’d been assigned this horrible task. On the bright side, once he finished this large stack on his desk, he’d never have to deal with LRMC’s tedious, outdated reporting system again.
“Dr. Adams?” Robert looked up to see the aide extending a large overnight mail packet. At the same time his cell phone, lying on the desk, began to vibrate.
“Thanks.” He took the package and lifted his phone. Autumn’s named appeared on the screen. With a swipe of the thumb, he answered, “Hello?”
“Did you get it?” she asked.
The timing of her call was so on point that Robert lifted his eyes and looked around the room to see if there was a camera on him. “How could you know?”
“Know what?” Autumn didn’t give him time to respond before she added, “I received an alert that the package arrived about ten minutes ago. Is that what my articulate brother is trying to ask me?”
The shit-giving never stopped. “Hang on.”
He placed the phone on the desk, letting Autumn wait as he opened the package. He found a rumpled decorative bag with all the colorful tissues sticking out the top and an envelope with his name scribbled on the front. He opened the card and a five-hundred-dollar Amazon gift card dropped to the floor. He slowly bent to retrieve the gift card as he read Autumn’s neatly written instructions.
I had them wrapped because it just seemed nicer. It’s an Amazon e-reader and the headphones you requested. He’ll have to set this up under his account, so I’ve sent enough money for him to buy whatever he wants to read. This will also cover audio books. I’ve also included a thank-you note from me. Let me know what else I can do.
Love you, brother,