Cyrus LongBones Box Set
what if Niels went in after her and was killed? Cyrus would never forgive himself. No, it was best justto run away and escape. Escape! The journal, he suddenlyremembered.His blood began to cool, and his breath slowed to an even pace. He moved to hisbedroom window, opened it and grabbed the book and turtle skeleton from wherehe had hidden them below the sill. He stashed the skeleton under his bed, thenbrushed the mud off the journal’s jacket. The pages smelled of dried wood. Helooked to the door and listened forintruders. Hearing only the clatter of cutlery, he lit a small lamp, rolledinto bed and opened the thick journal to the first page. The flame’s glowflickered and danced on the yellow paper. The parchment felt of autumn leaves, andeven though the pages were water stained, the careful printing was still legible.
“The Jimothy OddFootJournal,” he whispered, as he read the title.
He opened the book to the first entry and read aloud, “‘Day one. It isthe sixteen hundred and seventy-fifth year after the great siege.’”
That was almost thirty years ago… Cyrus thought.
Made the long crossing to Myrkur byraft. Strange creatures inhabit these waters. Heardbreathing and splashing out in the night and something kept pushing up againstthe raft. Also, saw blue lights moving below the surface. Beginning to fearI’ve made the wrong decision by fleeing Virkelot.Safe on land now and have set up camp on the northern shore for the evening.Rather cold and suffering chest pains. Plan to search for a more suitable homein the morning.
Day 2,
Something was in the camp during the night. Strangehand and footprints on supplies. Armed with a knife, I’m off to seek out a morefortified shelter.
Day 2, second entry.
Cleared a path to southerntip of island and have found a strangesystem of caves. The caverns look like they might be the ruins of some ancientinhabitants. Found a small hollow on thesouthwestern side of caves. Hope it will serve as a safe refuge.
Cyrus leafed through several pages of Jim’s journal that described himadjusting to his new life on Myrkur. In thebeginning, Jim had fed poorly, forced to snare small frogs and rabbits forfood. But over time he had cultivated several small vegetable gardens andlearned various ways to catch fish.
Cyrus discovered that Jim had been an orphan raised by his grandfather.When his granddad had died, he had decided to leave his life of tax collectingand follow his dreams of animal study and research. Jim had wanted tounderstand how a caterpillar could transform into a butterfly, or how a dog’ssense of smell could be so keen. And how could birds leave the island for the winter,only to navigate themselves home the following summer?
It seemed that with the exception ofhis granddad, Jim had never really enjoyed life on Virkelot,or living amongst its people.
Cyrus heard footsteps, then a knock at the door. His heart jumped. Heblew out the lantern, hid the book below the covers and pretended to sleep. Theperson tried the knob. The door gently bumped against the chest. The person attemptedto push the door open. The chest began to grind against the floor. The grindingstopped. After a long moment, Cyrus heard something touch the ground. Thenfootsteps began to pad away. What was his stepmother up to, he thought?
He let several tense moments pass. When he felt all was clear, he relitthe lantern. Then, keeping one eye on the door, he continued to read. Hearrived at the Day 50 entry. He could not help but notice that Jim had rushedhis usually tidy handwriting.
Day 50,
Moments ago, had firstencounter with the strangest creature. I was crouched behind the stove,repairing the chimney, when the thing crawled in on all fours. It was hard tosee by candlelight, but its skin was black and sleek, and it looked the size ofa tall, underfed child. Like a cat, it sniffed and studied several objects inthe room.
It must have sensed my presence, for, without warning,it stood on hind legs and, with glowing blue eyes, turned in my direction. Inthe darkness, could not discern its face, but its eyes seemed to grow brighteras it looked about.
With frog-like agility, it leaped from the cave and dashed out of the door. Damp, webbed handand footprints remain on the floor, with only the faintest scent of seawater inthe air.
Heart racing and chest pains have returned. First thingtomorrow morning, must fortify entrance.
Cyrus’ jaw fell slack. Is that what stalked them on the island?
Day 146,
Have spent much time researching plants and animals onisland, but the creature that mostintrigues me has been most elusive. Have seen evidence of its presence. Aripple in ponds, wet handprint on rock,but no new sightings of the blue-eyed phantom. Wonder if it is the last of itskind, or if there are more? Does it have a connection to these caves?
A loud hoot came from outside the bedroom window. Cyrus jumped. Instinctively,he hid the journal. Only an owl, he thought. His nerves began to calm.He noticed his candle beginning to flicker and fade. He crept out of bed to usethe outhouse. His side had grown stiff, anda large bruise had formed around the belt’s bloody brand. Outside the door, he found a plate of food. Niels,he thought. It had been Niels at the door. His brother had created a happy faceusing sausages and brussels sprouts.Cyrus felt his eyes begin to well.
When Cyrus returned from the toilet, he checked the time. There were afew precious hours of nighttime left. Helit a new candle, dug into his dinner, and delved back into the dead man’s journal.
Day 9693,
Was on the seashore, studying one of the island’s manyturtles, when the webbed hand of the blue-eyed phantom reached out of the oceanand pulled the shelled creature below. Could that explain the cavern’ssymmetry? Have little time to lose. There is much work to do.
Day 9723,
Spent past thirty days measuring and mapping out cavesas well as the island’s topography, but still,notes are inconclusive. There is one final thing I must do before my theory canbe proven. But if caught, I