Greyson (The K9 Files)
The K9 Files, Book 9
Dale Mayer
Books in This Series:
Ethan, Book 1
Pierce, Book 2
Zane, Book 3
Blaze, Book 4
Lucas, Book 5
Parker, Book 6
Carter, Book 7
Weston, Book 8
Greyson, Book 9
Rowan, Book 10
Table of Contents
Title Page
About This Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
About Rowan
Author’s Note
Complimentary Download
About the Author
Copyright Page
About This Book
Welcome to the all new K9 Files series reconnecting readers with the unforgettable men from SEALs of Steel in a new series of action packed, page turning romantic suspense that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Dale Mayer. Pssst… you’ll meet other favorite characters from SEALs of Honor and Heroes for Hire too!
Combining a trip to see his grandparents with hunting down a K9 dog sounds like a good excuse at the time to Greyson. Somehow the K9 had been accidentally flow halfway around the world in the wrong direction and then lost. Finding the dog wasn’t easy, but Greyson follows the trail of destruction the same as the K9 does … and finds the female shepherd protecting a mother and child … So not what he expected.
Jessica didn’t understand why the dog was always around, but the dog was plain scary. Although not as much as everything else going on in her life right now. Most things she blames on her ex-husband, but was he this mean? With her toddler son to protect, she knows she can’t make a mistake that will bring them harm.
As the events escalate, it doesn’t take long to decide who was on her side and who … wasn’t.
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It was a new stage of life, this sitting around, doing what Greyson wanted, and helping out others, basically by choice instead of having such a regimented lifestyle. When he was in the military, as a Navy SEAL no less, his life had consisted of training, missions, more training, more fitness, and more missions. After the accident that ruined his back, damaged his shoulder, and took off part of his foot, his life had seemed like it was so much the same—and yet so different.
Because it was still all laid out for him. To therapy, to the doctors, more tests, more physical fitness, more of everything, with everything on a schedule. Since he’d been released, his back more or less as good as it would get, he just needed more strengthening. His shoulder was functional, not pretty, but who said that was even part of his life anymore?
He had learned to walk with just half of the one foot. It had been harder than he thought. Who knew? But still, he was better off than so many of the other guys.
He lifted his coffee mug and stretched out along the back of Geir’s house. They’d been working on building decks on a bunch of the guys’ places. And really, Greyson enjoyed nothing more than the camaraderie of being here, the sense of belonging, but without the pressure to do anything. He was living off his benefits at the moment, while he tried to assess what the hell he wanted to do with the rest of his life.
He had no easy answer. In fact, there were no easy answers. The only thing he really couldn’t do would be heavy construction labor, but not much else held him back. He’d been a trainer within the military, so management might be something he could do. But he didn’t really want anything to do with that kind of pressure, with all the stress.
He loved animals and had worked briefly with the K9s, but he had wanted a much more personal relationship with the animals than he’d been allowed to have. He’d seen various animal rescue nonprofits that interested him, but not a lot of money was to be made in that field. He didn’t need a lot to live on, and his job satisfaction—his sense of purpose—mattered more at this stage of his life.
When Geir walked out and sat down beside him, Greyson looked over and said, “It’s a nice deal you’ve got going here.”
Geir nodded slowly. “It was a long time coming,” he said. “Now we’ve got in reality what we created in theory, and I’m glad to see it happening day by day.”
Greyson didn’t say anything, just sipped his coffee.
“What do you want for your future?” Geir asked.
Greyson shrugged. “Something different than the military. Something more peaceful but still helping out, I guess. But without the stress, without the schedule, without the chaos.”
Geir nodded. “You know what? Not too many people would understand that.”
“Well, I sure as hell hope some would. After the military, I’m realizing just how much of my life was ordered around.” He shook his head. “I want to stop and smell the roses a little more.”
Geir grinned. “You just need a wife for that.”
“Is that what helped you?”
Geir thought about it, then nodded. “Having that other perspective, and having the guys too, as we decided what we wanted to do moving forward. As you know, all of us having physical disabilities, that made the world look at us differently.” He shook his head. “It does make you reassess.”
“It does,” Greyson said. “How do you feel about animals?”
“I love them,” he said with a smile.
“I was just thinking that it’s too bad I can’t set up a rescue, but they don’t make any money so—”
“What kind of rescue?”
He looked at Geir in surprise, hearing his tone of voice. “I don’t know. I’m particularly drawn to dogs, but I’m a cat guy too,” he said with a quirk of his lips.
“Why do I get the feeling that you have something going on in the back of your head?”
“We’ve been working on the K9 files,” he said. “We’ve had a really good success rate, but this next one? We don’t have a whole lot of information on it.”
“What are the K9 files?”
Greyson listened while Geir explained about the War Dog division shutting down part of the department, and a bunch of these dogs were lost