Royal Decoy (Fate of Eyrinthia Book 1)
Royal Decoy
Fate of Eyrinthia • Book 1
Heather Frost
Copyright © 2020 Heather Frost
Map Design by Kevin Frost
Cover and Interior Design by K.M. Frost
This is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and locations are products of the author’s imagination and should not be construed as real. Any similarities to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the author.
Summary: Kitchen maid Clare Ellington is blackmailed into becoming the princess’s decoy, to ensure a tenuous peace with an enemy kingdom.
All rights reserved.
ASIN: B085299HQN
Kimberly, this one is for you. You are my sister and my best friend. This book—like many other things in my life—would not have happened without you. Thank you! I love you. Forever and ever. PS: You will always be Grayson’s first fan.
"This is a story that completely captured my attention from the very beginning and didn't let go the whole way through ... I've been craving a book like this." -Aimee, Getting Your Read On (Royal Decoy)
"Blackmail. Betrayal. Romance. Frost expertly combines them all with political intrigue and characters you can't help but fall in love with. The next book can't come fast enough!" - Rebecca McKinnon, Author (Royal Decoy)
"This book has just about everything! ... The intrigue is fantastic. This is a series that is worth reading. I will anxiously await the next installment to see what happens next." - Bookworm Lisa (Royal Decoy)
"You know what I love? Fantasy. You know what really thrills me? When a story like this one works its magic on me in a way I still feel its power after finishing it. ... Full of action, conspiracies, exciting twists and turns, charismatic characters, and heart-warming moments—I demand my own Grayson!—this first installment is a fantastic opening." - Silvia, Darkest Sins (Royal Decoy)
"This book was superb. ...Well thought out story that was action packed ... It was amazing ... a fantastic read that made me read it in one sitting. Heather Frost will be an author that I keep on my radar from now on. Can’t wait for book two!" - Stacy, A Court of Coffee and Books (Royal Decoy)
"If you are looking for a good read with royalty, mystery, intrigue, spies, war, and romance, this book has it all. Heather Frost certainly delivers a great read with Royal Decoy." - Sheila, Why Not? Because I Said So (Royal Decoy)
“Frost has written a magnificent young adult fantasy romance that readers will absolutely love. The turn of every page is jam packed with fast paced, thrilling and adventurous twists and turns that will keep readers guessing and wanting more.” - Sydney, Singing Librarian Books (Royal Decoy)
“An amazing first book in a series! The premise of this novel was so interesting! It’s something that I’m fairly certain I haven’t read before in other books.” - Caitlin, Chapters and Pages (Royal Decoy)
"Super unique ... The story flowed and [...] was well-paced and didn't end off in a cliffhanger. I totally recommend this book to everyone especially those who want a fresh royalty read." - Thindbooks (Royal Decoy)
"Seers is a really good paranormal read mixed with a great romance, and a some really fun characters." - Mundie Moms Blog (Seers)
"Heather does an amazing job of keeping the story rolling, fast paced and full of intrigue and suspense." - Cindy C. Bennett, Author (Demons)
"You won't be able to stop until the last page is turned. … 5 out of 5 stars." - Min Reads and Reviews (Guardians)
Also by Heather Frost:
The Seers Trilogy:
Asides: A Short Story Collection
Pronunciation Guide
Demoi de-MOY
Desfan DES-fawn
Devendra duh-VEN-druh
Devendran duh-VEN-drun
Duvan DOO-vahn
Eyrinthia air-INTH-ee-uh
Iden EYE-den
Mortise mor-TEES (rhymes with geese)
Mortisian mor-TEE-shun
Ryden RYE-den
Rydenic rye-DEN-ik
Saernon SAIR-non
Serai sair-AY
Serjah SAIR-zjaw
Serjan SAIR-zjan
Zennor ZEN-or
Zennorian zen-OR-ee-un
*Note: zj is a French “J”, as in Jaques
Title Page
Pronunciation Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Want more books by Heather Frost?
Seers are not just spectators, they are also prey
Chapter 1
Clare called a farewell as she left the castle kitchen, a fire still dying within the scorched hearth. Cook Towdy gave his usual grunt, hunched over the thick wooden counter, his apron dusted with flour. He didn’t look up from tomorrow’s menu as he made final adjustments. Clare was the last maid to leave; even after working under Towdy for ten years, she still felt like that eight-year-old girl with too much to prove.
The heat of the castle ovens clung to Clare’s skin as she entered the deserted corridor and stretched her tired arms. Errant strands of brown hair brushed her cheeks, her long braid swinging against her back. Her aching feet didn’t relish the long walk to Lower Iden, but she was anxious to see her brothers.
Silence reigned in the servant’s passage this time of night, the quiet scuff of her worn boots the only sound aside from the guttering torches. Flames leapt in the evenly spaced iron sconces, forcing the shadows to dance back, forever a servant to the light.
Clare knew how the shadows felt.
Somewhere down the hall a door slammed open, wood thudding against stone. Clare’s head jerked up, though she couldn’t see anything around the hallway’s bend. Rapid footsteps clipped against the floor and a male voice drifted around the corner, his tone wry. "Perhaps