Sphere: Blackwood Security Book 9.5
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
What's Coming Next?
Want to Stalk Me?
End of Book Stuff
Other Books by Elise Noble
Elise Noble
Published by Undercover Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Elise Noble
ISBN: 978-1-912888-21-4
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organisations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
Edited by Nikki Mentges
Cover design by Elise Noble
Expect the unexpected.
And whenever possible, be the unexpected.
I CHECKED MY phone for the tenth time in as many minutes, willing it to ring. A hostage negotiation, a shoot-out, a sting operation, a last-minute assassination… Anything would have been better than what Bradley had planned for me today.
Speak of the devil. He appeared in my bedroom doorway, bouncing on his toes.
“Are you ready? Why aren’t you ready?” He put his hands on his hips. “Emmy, you’re still in your pyjamas.”
“Technically, these aren’t pyjamas.”
I always slept in a pair of boxer shorts and an oversized T-shirt, borrowed from my husband’s closet. In my world, comfort came before style.
“Stop being facetious and hurry up. Everyone else is ready and raring to go.”
Really? When I got into the hallway—now dressed under protest—Ana was sitting on one couch and Dan, Mack, and Carmen were on the other, all looking as if they were waiting to head to the gas chamber rather than take a fun-packed trip to Virginia’s newest family attraction. Honestly, I’d seen more enthusiasm amongst prisoners of war, and I couldn’t blame the girls. SciPark was billed as “education meets entertainment,” but to me, it felt like the fine line between purgatory and full-on hell. Hellgatory. Was that a thing? Only the kids seemed excited—Trick, Vine, Race, Josh, and Tabby—although I suspected Tabby would have been just as happy if Ana had taken her out the back and taught her how to shoot a crossbow. The kid was only three years old, and though I’d never admit it to my sister, Tabby made me very nervous.
“I still don’t understand why I have to go,” Mack said, clutching her laptop bag like a shield. “None of these children are mine.”
Bradley gave an overly theatrical sigh. “You want to be a mother, don’t you?”
“Well, think of this as practice.”
I raised my hand. “I don’t want to be a mother, ever, so can I be excused?”
“Why not?”
“Somebody needs to stop Ana from murdering Bradley,” Dan muttered. “And that somebody is you.”
“Remember what happened when he made us go to the spa?” Carmen asked. “We had to dig a grave. I’m not digging another grave, not even Bradley’s.”
“Fine, I’ll come. But I’m not going on any of the bloody rides.”
Ana leaned in close. “Why do you let him boss you around like this? You pay his salary, don’t you?”
Good question. With an equally excellent answer.
“Because he’s watched FernGully fifty times in the last fortnight, and he wants to plant a replica rainforest in the backyard.”
“A rainforest? How can he? We’re in Virginia. It’s too cold.”
“He also wants to build a giant greenhouse to go over the top. I caught him researching habitats for marmosets, and there’s no way we’re getting monkeys. No bloody way. The parakeets around the swimming pool were bad enough, and don’t even get me started on the swans. Anyhow, SciPark’s got a living rainforest, and I’m hoping that if he realises how badly the humidity will frizz his hair, he’ll have a rethink.”
“Why don’t we all chip in and send him on a trip to Borneo instead?”
“Hmm… That’s actually not a bad idea. Guys—”
“Hurry! Hurry!” Bradley clapped his hands together. “If you don’t get a move on, there’s no point in us going at all.”
“I’m not seeing a problem with that.”
“Of course, staying here would give me more time to work on my biosphere plans…”
“Okay, okay, I’m hurrying.”
Finally, we got everyone loaded into three cars. Three cars because if we only took two, then Mack would have had to ride with Dan and she didn’t have a death wish. So Dan took Race—her newly adopted son—plus his two buddies, I got Ana and Tabby, and Mack brought up the rear with Carmen and Josh. And Bradley, after he ran back inside to fetch his sunscreen and then again for his sun visor and yet again because his new shoes were rubbing. So much for leaving quickly.
While we were waiting, Ana glanced at her watch and sighed as Carmen tried to work out where to stuff Bradley’s enormous purse.
“I could have gone climbing after all. Sam will be back before we get out of the gates.”
Sam Quinn, Ana’s significant other, had taken a trip to Seneca Rocks with a group of his CIA buddies. A last-minute invite, so he said, and funnily enough, one that had only materialised after Bradley invited him to join us today. Ditto for Carmen’s husband and his sudden desire to audit the camera system at the California office of Blackwood Security, the company he and I co-owned along with my husband and Nick Goldman.
“I’m surprised you agreed to come in the first place,” I said.
Ana wasn’t a fan of crowds, not unless she was using them as a cover for something nefarious. Then she’d suck it up and deal.
“Bradley plays dirty. He showed Tabby a video of the big wheel, and now she wants to ride on it.” Another sigh. “I suppose it’ll be educational.”
“Let’s hope there’s a bar.”
“You’re driving.”
“Maybe I’ll