Zombies VS Bikers
sinking at the sight of at least ten of the ghouls gathered below them. Luckily it looked as if the zombies had no idea how to climb a ladder. Slim began climbing once more, but had only moved up three more rungs when there was an earsplitting shriek of metal sliding against something, and the top of the ladder came free from the edge of the roof above them. Bard shut his eyes as he felt the ladder pull away suddenly from the wall.“Hold on!” Slim yelled, somewhat needlessly Bard thought. Bard hooked his arms through the spaces between rungs, using the inside of his elbows to hold him securely to the ladder. Slim didn’t do the same, relying on his handheld grip to hold on. The top of the ladder pulled away five feet from the building before jerking to a sudden stop. Bard held tight, but Slim lost his grip, his arms failing wildly for balance as he began to fall.
“Shit!” Slim yelled as he fell, one of his feet sliding down off of the rung above Bard and kicking him in the face. Bard’s head snapped back but he managed to hold on, even as his fellow Jester fell completely free from the ladder. Bard turned his head just in time to see Slim land on one of the zombies, shoving the things head down into it’s own chest cavity. Slim then hit the ground hard, it looked to Bard that the man broke his ankle on impact. The zombies all turned towards Slim, falling to their knees as one and grabbing for the doomed man.
Even though he had the wind knocked out of him, Slim knew he had to get moving if he were to survive. The biker rolled over on his stomach, working to get his hands and feet beneath him, but the number of undead was just too great. Their hands covered his body, pushing him back down, face first now in the parking lot. Slim was laying on something hard, and it took him a moment to realize it was his handgun, shoved unceremoniously into the waist of his jeans before he started climbing the ladder. Slim managed to turn back over onto his back, kicking out at one zombie that was inches from burying its teeth into his leg. His boot connected solidly with the ghoul’s temple, sending the thing toppling onto its side.
Slim snatched the gun from his waist, barely able to raise it before another zombie lowered his head, biting into the soft flesh of Slim’s upper arm. Slim screamed, squeezing the trigger as he did so. Slim hadn’t been aiming at anything and the hot lead was propelled upwards, slamming into the brick of the building just inches to the left of Bard’s leg. “Shit!” Bard yelled as dust and pieces of brick rained down onto the scene below him.
Slim tried to get off another shot but now there was another set of teeth ripping into his flesh, and Slim could see his own blood spray violently from his body, arcing in the sky before splattering against the wall beside him. “Get off of me!” Slim yelled, thrashing wildly at the hands groping for him and holding him down, but it was no use. Slim had gotten used to the smell of a world gone dead, but now with a large number of the ghouls right on top of him the stench was unbearable and overwhelming. Slim felt his stomach give, and he turned his head to vomit. A zombie felt Slim’s stomach in another way as it pressed its hand against his skin so forcefully that his skin split open wide in another red shower.
Slim began yelling at this point, screaming as the teeth bit into him, as the hands fought one another to pull his organs from his body cavity. He watched one zombie grab a fistful of his own intestines and then stand and shuffle away, unwinding the slimy mass and leaving it to trail along behind it. Slim turned his head just as a zombie knelt down, having been aiming for Slim’s cheek but finding instead his nose suddenly in its mouth. It bit down and tore the cartilage from Slim’s face, and his screaming became even louder.
As Slim was torn apart and eaten alive on the ground below him, Bard resolved to do whatever he could to avoid that fate. He began to climb again, slowly, carefully, working hard to keep from pulling the ladder from the wall any more than it already was. It was slow going made harder by the screaming, and then when that stopped the wet sounds mixed with the chewing sounds and the tearing sounds. Slim had been an idiot, but he had been a Dead Jester. The name seemed more apt than ever now.
The ladder began swaying dangerously back and forth away from the wall as Bard neared the top. Bard swung one leg around the side of the ladder, and then looped his arm around managing to completely change the side of the ladder he had been on. If Bard hung from the ladder with only one hand and foot supporting him on it, he could just brush the edge of the building with his finger tips. He would have to jump.
Bard situated himself facing the building, his heels on the ladder; both hands reaching back to hold him self there. “Come on asshole,” Bard said aloud in an attempt to psyche him self up. “Do it.” With one more deep breath, Bard did it. He bent his knees and reached out simultaneously. The force of his jump tore more of the ladder from the wall, and once those bolts came loose, more followed behind them. The whole rusted contraption fell, landing with a sickening crunch on the undead and Slim beneath it. Bard hung from the edge of the rooftop, Straining to pull himself up. Bard yelled a primal sound with no pitch or rhythm that