Landing a Laird (Novella)
away from thelady and looked to his friend.Lord and Lady Hearne approached LadyMoira. “As we are all friends, here is your chance and maybe youcan avoid the blasted Davenports’ this evening.”
Hearne and his wife reached Lady Moiraa few moments ahead of Gideon, but he could overhear theirconversation.
“Weren’t you supposed tobe with Lady Philippa this afternoon?” Hearne inquired, a slightedge to his tone. Of course the man would be more protective thanusual, given his sister’s sudden notoriety.
“She was just here. Iturned my back for only a moment and she disappeared.”
“Mother will not be happyif she finds out you were here unaccompanied.”
“Beatrice is with me.”Lady Moira pointed to a young maid standing but a few feet away indeep conversation with another servant.
“I can see that Beatriceis doing her job in keeping a keen eye on you.”
“Oh Nyle, it has only beenfor a few moments. I survived unscathed, I assure you.”
“Good afternoon, Lord andLady Hearne,” Gideon greeted as he finally reached hisdestination.
The three turned to look at him andJordan.
“Ainsely.” Hearne stuckhis hand out and shook it. The earl was not so warm in his greetingof Gideon’s companion, however. “Mr. Trent.”
Odd. The two were friends. Why thecoldness from Hearne? Perhaps the earl took issue with theappreciative way Jordan was looking at his sister. Actually, Gideondidn’t like it one bit either, now that he thought aboutit.
“Have you met my sister,Lady Moira Kirkwood?”
“I have not had thehonor.” Jordan stepped forward, grasped the lady’s gloved hand, andplaced a kiss on her knuckles. “Mr. Jordan Trent at yourservice.”
A blush formed on her cheeks as shedrew back her hand. Jordan did have a way of making young womenfancy him.
“It is a pleasure to makeyour acquaintance.” Gideon executed a slight bow to the lovelyyoung woman. Her grey eyes studied him. While she didn’t blush asshe had under Jordan’s scrutiny, slight crinkles appeared aroundher eyes and a smile came to her lips. And there was a lightsmattering of freckles across her nose. A lovely face,indeed.
“This is Lord Ainsely,since he seems to have forgotten his own name for themoment.”
Gideon couldn’t believe he hadn’tactually introduced himself, even though Hearne should have donethat for him in the first place, and probably would have it Jordanhadn’t absconded with the lady’s hand before anyone could getanother word in.
“It is a pleasure to meetyou both.” She dipped into a quick curtsey.
“Will either of you beattending the Davenports’ ball this evening,” Lady Hearne asked,probably to make conversation since an uncomfortable silence hadensued.
Jordan frowned. “I have otherplans.”
It had been Gideon’s intention toforgo the affair as well, having now accomplished his goal inmeeting with Lady Moira, but now… “I plan on beingpresent.”
Jordan and Hearne both looked at himas if he were mad. Perhaps he was. Why else would he agree toattend the Davenports’ when there was no longer areason?
Moira shifted from onefoot to the other. She’d promised Pippa to watch the door for LordColebrooke, but having never seen the gentleman, how would she knowhim if he walked in? Instead, she trained her eyes for St. Austell,so she could point him out to Pippa, so her friend couldavoid that gentleman in the future. If only she could have stayed longerat the Heathfield ball last evening. Perhaps she could have savedher friend much embarrassment.
She quickly glanced about the room andto where her mother was speaking with other ladies. Moiramaneuvered herself to the side of her friends, directly out of hermother’s line of vision. Perhaps if she wasn’t seen, she would beforgotten and allowed to enjoy this ball. Not that she held out anyhope. Last night had been a crush, and the Davenports’ ballroom wasbarely half-filled; most of the guests were young ladies and theirchaperones. Where were the gentlemen tonight? Too busy placingstupid bets in stupid books?
She focused back on the door andwaited. “Perhaps he attended another function.”
Patience smiled sadly. “This is hardlythe event of the year.”
“Hopefully we’ll havebetter luck tomorrow,” Georgianna Bexley-Smythe added.
Moira couldn’t agree more. Havinglistened to the names announced, not one sounded remotelyScottish.
Patience tugged Pippa’s arm, pullingher closer into their group of four. “What did happen lastnight?”
Pippa shook her head. “I don’tremember a thing. I don’t even remember arriving at theHeathfields’. I don’t remember encountering Mr. Potsdon. I don’tremember St. Austell.”
“He is quite handsome,”Moira offered. “Pity he’s not a Scot.”
“So you said earlier, butI can’t believe he could even hold a candle to LordColebrook.”
Moira focused back on the doors as twogentlemen appeared. She hadn’t been paying enough attention to heartheir names announced, but she’d met one of them in the parkearlier. His eyes scanned the room slowly, stopping when they foundher. He nudged his friend and nodded in her direction so slightlythat Moira would have missed it had she not been paying so closeattention. The gentleman accompanying him narrowed his eyes andpeered at her. Who was he and why were the two so interested inher?
She turned her back and tried to focuson the conversation occurring between her friends, but his eyesburned into her back. Not the stranger, but Lord Ainsely. Now therewas a gentleman who could make a girl’s heartbeat increase. Whilehis friend, Mr. Jordan Trent was not without his charms, it wasAinsely's deep brown eyes that caused her heart to hitch earliertoday. Goodness, the man was so tall, and from the looks of himstrong, unless he padded his clothing as so many gentlemen wererumored to do.
“Lord BrodyMcTavish.”
Moira perked up at the announcementand wheeled around to see a gentleman standing in the door, and herheart sank instantly. He was all of five foot two, and almost asround, with a balding head.
“There is your Scot.”Georgie nudged her.
The man couldn’t be younger than fiftyyears. “This may be more difficult than I thought.”
Too bad Ainsley wasn’t Scottish. Hewould do perfectly. Moira sighed and let go of that dream as herbrother appeared at her side. “Mother is asking foryou.”
A groan escaped Moira. “Do I reallyhave to go? Can’t you just stand here with me? That will take careof propriety.”
A smile pulled at Nyle’s lips. “Thatwould be my preference as well, but she is demanding that both ofus be at her side.”
Moira turned