Lucky Forever: Texas Knights MC, Book 3
Lucky Forever
Texas Kings MC, Book 3
Cee Bowerman
CLBooks, LLC
Copyright © 2020 CLBooks, LLC
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
Cee Bowerman Book List
Texas Knights MC
Home Forever
Forever Family
Lucky Forever
Texas Kings MC
Kale & Terra (Novella)
John & Mattie
Conner Brothers Construction
Dear Reader,
In this book, Rowdy’s life has been out of his control for a long time, so he handles it the only way he knows - by controlling the things he can. I’m guilty of the same thing. When the world around me is crazy, I take comfort in the little things I can control.
I put on my left sock, right sock, left shoe, right shoe, tie the left shoe, and then tie the right shoe...every single time. I’m not sure what would happen if I didn’t do it that way, but I’m not sure I’m willing to give it a try either.
I sniff everything. I try to do it on the down low, but my husband seems to catch me every time. Even if I cooked every bit of food on the table, I have to smell what’s on my fork before I can take a bite. It doesn’t matter what it is, I have to smell it before I can eat it.
And, for your information, Skittles all smell the same no matter what color they are.
I like for things to be perfectly aligned or completely random - nothing in between. If something should be in a straight line and it’s just a hair off, it’s all I can focus on until I get up and fix it. Luckily my friends and family don’t mind when I straighten the pictures on their walls or move the placemats on their table.
It makes my husband and my kids crazy, but they are all used to it. They refer to the things I do as my ‘quirks’ and enjoy making fun of me, but it’s a good natured teasing because they never once try to change me. They accept me just the way I am, flaws and all, and I’m grateful for that.
I hope you enjoy Rowdy’s story and I hope you’ve surrounded yourself with people who accept you, quirks and all. When the world around you is in chaos, the people that you surround yourself with make all the difference.
Thanks for reading!
I glanced up from my reading and checked my daughter’s location in the gym. They were back on the floor mats, this time practicing their tumbling routine. I critiqued her, as she always asked me to do, and I made a few mental notes to talk to her about on the drive home.
I wasn’t a professional by any means, but I had been watching my daughter Leia in gymnastics since she was two years old and taking classes at the local YMCA. Her tiny stature had come in handy and she had excelled in flying around the mat. She was now in an advanced class that helped her focus on the skills she would need to try out for the local competition cheerleading team.
A glance around me at the other parents on the bleachers showed me that once again, I was one of only two dads in attendance. I recognized the only other man in the gym, and waved when he saw me, glad to see him heading my direction to talk for a while.
“Hi, Rowdy!” Reagan, a friend of mine, was a realtor here in town and in the process of helping me work on my credit so that I could buy my house. His partner in the realty company, Brenda Marks, was married to a friend of mine, Sonny, who I met right after I moved to Rojo as a teenager.
I belonged to the Texas Knights MC, a motorcycle club in our town. Sonny belonged to a separate MC, the Texas Kings. The clubs were friendly, almost family even, since the men who had started each of them had been best friends since they were in grade school.
“Hey, man,” I greeted Reagan as he sat next to me. “Good to see another dad here.”
“I didn’t know if I was even going to make it today. Brenda had her baby yesterday and is still in the hospital.”
“Are she and the baby doing okay?”
“Yes!” Reagan pulled his phone out of his pocket and pushed a few buttons to find a picture to show me. “Mama and baby are both fine. I’m pretty sure Dad has even more white hair already.”
I chuckled at the thought. Sonny Marks was a unique looking man. His eyes were blue and brown, which was unique enough, but he also had a patch of white hair that he usually kept covered with a ball cap.
“They named him Lucky, right?”
“They went with the soap opera theme, just like their names.” Reagan and I both chuckled. “How is your studying going?”
I blew out a breath, “It’s going.”
“I think it’s noble what you’re doing,” Reagan admitted. “Getting your GED after all this time has to be hard, but since you made a deal with your girl, it’s kind of worth it.”
“Yeah.” I smiled as I watched my daughter do front handsprings the length of the mat in front of us. “If I’m going to expect her to