Bella's Beast
Twisted Fairytale Re-telling Romance
By Marie Higgins
Copyright © 2020 by Marie Higgins
Cover Art by Sheri McGathy
Edited by Teresa Pearson & Veronica Mesa
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Bella's Beast
Terrick Wentworth has loved Bella Walsh since she was sixteen years old. Unfortunately, she has no memory of this. Years ago, an accident left Terrick horribly scarred, and he knows the possibility of rekindling their love is hopeless. After all, he is nothing more than a beast. When the opportunity to bring Bella into his employ presents itself, he cannot resist extending an offer.
Bella Walsh desperately needs money to help her ailing father. Almost as desperately, she desires answers. Seven years ago, she was abducted – and blessedly recovered – but she has no memory of the experience. The answers she craves lie with the Wentworth Estate, and when the scarred and brooding Terrick Wentworth extends an offer of employment, the offer to satisfy both needs are irresistible. However, a monster lurks in the forest surrounding the estate, and when Bella arrives, the beast follows her relentlessly with its steely eyes. Bella is told this isn’t the first time she's encountered the creature, and that she was discovered in its lair after she was abducted all those years ago.
Can Bella uncover the true identity of her beast and slay it before it destroys her once and for all?
WHAT IN THE BLAZES is wrong with that man?
Bella Walsh grumbled as she urged her horse faster on the lonely road through the forest. Home was the only place where she found peace, especially lately. Never in her life had she wanted to punch a man in the nose, but she’d never had any man try her patience as Garrett Trenton enjoyed pushing her perseverance to the very limit. How many times did she have to turn down his advances before he realizes she was not interested? The cocky man was so full of himself, and he couldn’t see past the end of his nose.
Sadly enough, he happened to be the most handsome man in town.
Growling under her breath, she tightened her grip on the reins and leaned toward the horse. How dare Garrett invade her quiet time at the library? If he cared for her at all – as he constantly proclaimed – he would know how much reading a good book meant to her. Reading was her get-away from life’s problems. Yet, Garrett only cared about himself. She’d known this for years. It was obvious by the way he treated others around town. Not once had he tried to do something nice for anyone. Everything that man did had an ulterior motive.
Was it any wonder the only feelings she had for him were those of disgust? So why wouldn’t the foolish dolt give up his pursuit in obtaining her hand in marriage?
The bitter wind whipped against her, and she bundled her hooded cloak tighter around her throat. A storm was on its way, and thankfully, it hadn’t arrived yet, because she just had to take a trip into town to the library. Every Wednesday, they received more books. Indeed, this was her favorite day of the week. She looked forward to reading something that could take her thoughts off her ailing father – if only for a few hours.
Her father’s illness was becoming worse every day. The physicians didn’t know how to diagnose his disease, either. Helplessness gripped at her heart as she had to watch her only parent wither away before her eyes. Leaving the house for just one day a week was sorely needed for her own state of mind.
“Bella, hold up, there.”
The familiar voice jerked her attention on the rider coming toward her. Garrett waved his hand, smiling wide. Grumbling under her breath, she pulled her horse to a stop and waited for him. Although she couldn’t tolerate him, she had never been rude to anyone. Perhaps one day she’d make him the exception.
As he neared, her horse became skittish. Garrett’s large hands gripped the reins, steadying her horse. The brisk wind must be spooking his animal. Strange, because her horse had been just fine a few minutes ago.
Garrett’s brown hair tossed all around his head from the speed of the wind. “I’m glad I caught you before you returned home.”
He gave her a wicked smile, making her more irritable. Why did he have to be so darn handsome? Did he realize how his charming smile and twinkling brown eyes could create flutters in her chest, which of course, upset her more?
“Why? Is something amiss that I should know about?”
“Indeed, there is.”
He moved his horse near hers before placing his hand on the horn of her saddle. She sucked in a quick breath. Bella should be used to his boldness, but his actions continued to shock her every time. She was just grateful she had chosen to ride sidesaddle today. Either way, he had made a very bold move.
Keeping his gaze on her, he leaned closer. She held her breath, hoping he didn’t try anything improper.
“Bella, I just heard the news that old man Wentworth and his family have moved back into their estate.”
She rolled her eyes and honestly tried not to grin from the foolishness of the man. “Garrett, why should that be any of my concern? And for that matter, why should you be telling me about it at all?”
His eyebrows creased, and a frown claimed his face. “You really don’t know?”
“Would I be asking you if I knew?” She shook her head, not