Bella's Beast
understanding him.“Bella... that house on the hill is just up the road from your little farm.”
“Yes, Garrett. I know where the old Wentworth’s estate is located.” Impatience grew inside of her, and she couldn’t wait to return home and start reading the book she’d checked out from the library.
“I don’t understand.” His gaze narrowed on her.
That makes two of us. Bella felt the urge to roll her eyes again but refrained.
“Isn’t that the house where you were... um... abducted when you were sixteen?”
She hitched a breath. Although she still didn’t know what he was talking about, an odd chill ran through her blood, making her heart beat faster. Something had happened to her nearly seven years ago that she didn’t remember. And why couldn’t she remember it?
Her mind tried to replay that year, but all she could recall was her mother’s death, and she had been sick... so sick, she nearly lost her life, too. In fact, she couldn’t remember that much about the year she turned sixteen.
“Garrett, I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.” Feeling impatient, she tried to urge her horse forward, but he kept his hand on the horn, keeping her from moving.
“You don’t remember anything?” he asked.
“No, I don’t.” She scowled. “Now, please release my horse so that I can be on my way.”
He stared at her for a few uncomfortable seconds. Finally, he blew out a breath of air between his teeth and shook his head. “I shall let you go, but please, do me this courtesy. I beg you, do not go anywhere near that estate. I have seen a glimpse of old man Wentworth’s son, and he is a beast, I tell you.”
Had Bella heard him correctly? Was Garrett seriously trying to scare her? “I appreciate the warning, and I’ll think about it. But you should know me by now. I have my own mind. I don’t do something just because someone tells me to.”
Chuckling, Garrett sat upright, releasing his hand on her saddle horn. “Indeed, my sweet Bella. You are the most curiously stubborn – and lovely – woman in town.”
Her cheeks warmed from his compliment, and yet she couldn’t ignore the unfamiliar chill of the unknown still running through her. What had he meant by saying she’d been abducted? And why would he remember that, and she couldn’t?
Bella’s horse neighed and shifted in his stance. Frowning, she gripped the reins and tried to steady him. “Pegasus, stop!” she snapped at her horse. What was wrong with the animal?
“Your horse is spooked.” Garrett arched an eyebrow. “Maybe this is the animal’s way of telling you to listen to me.”
She snorted a laugh. “I highly doubt Pegasus knows what you’re talking about. Besides, I don’t know what would spook him. I’ve been through this forest many times, and he’s never acted so jittery.”
Garrett tapped a finger to his chin. “Perhaps he feels the eeriness in the air from a beast moving into the Wentworth estate.”
Tilting her head, she pursed her lips. “Really, Garrett, be serious.”
“I am.”
“Tell me, did you actually see the man who lives at the old Wentworth estate?”
His eyes widened, and he nodded vigorously. “I did.” He leaned closer to her. “He’s a tall, robust man who walked with a cane. He was wearing a black, bulky cloak. He had straggly black hair that hung to his shoulders. And his face...” Garrett shivered. “Horribly scarred. When he saw me, he tried to hide his beastly face with a scarf, but he wasn’t quick enough. I saw everything.”
A laugh escaped Bella’s throat before she could stop it. Although Garrett’s expression appeared most serious, she suspected he was teasing. “Oh, Garrett, really. Can’t you do any better than that?” She laughed harder this time. “You sound so boyish telling me a tall tale that’s meant to frighten girls. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in this so-called beast. I’m sure what you saw was a real man who just happened to be wearing a black cloak and scarf.”
“I’m not teasing, Bella.” He grasped her hand. “I’m on my way into town to warn the others.”
Her limb buzzed with awareness from his touch as warmth filled her body. If only he could be more self-less and act like a proper gentleman – even for one time – she would certainly be more willing to give him her heart. Unfortunately, arrogant men like Garrett would never become so lucky.
“Garrett, what has gotten into you?” She yanked her hand away from him. “Don’t you know it’s wrong to judge a person solely by his appearance? You must get to know the person’s heart.”
“Ah, my sweet, innocent, Bella.” He frowned. “You will constantly need protection, which is why I shall never leave your side.”
“Now, that is a scary thought.” She chuckled again.
Suddenly, his horse released a sharp neigh and rose on his back legs, his front legs pawing the air. Bella sucked in a quick breath and gently maneuvered Pegasus aside so as not to be trampled by Garrett’s horse.
He coaxed his animal in a soft voice, and soon the horse had calmed. Garrett stroked the horse’s mane.
“What was that about?” she asked.
“I don’t know.” He glanced behind him, into the forest.
“Well,” she said in a rush, “I shall let you go about your urgent business. However, please try not to be so dramatic when you tell your far-fetched tale to the others in town. I’m quite certain one of them might actually believe your story.”
“I can’t wait to hear your apology when you discover I’m right. And the only way I want you to give me an apology is by rewarding me with a kiss.” He wagged his eyebrows at her before pushing his horse toward town.
She snorted, even though he couldn’t hear. Kissing him would never happen unless he could change.
She steered Pegasus toward the road leading home and urged the animal into a faster trot. The storm clouds grew darker, and the wind howled through the trees in the forest all around her.